Cream soup of potatoes and zucchini

Submitted by enr on 08 Apr 2009
4-5 potatoes
carrots 3
1 tomato
1 onion
1 large zucchini
1 tsp salt
50 ml sunflower oil
1/4 bunch of dill
3 sticks magdnoz
300 g bread croutons
Cream soup of potatoes and zucchini
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Peel the potatoes, wash and cut in two. Carrots were scraped, washed and cut into two also. The onion is peeled, washed and cut into four. Peel the zucchini, trimmed at both ends, washed and cut across the four. Take a deep saucepan where they put all the prepared vegetables. Pour 700 ml water. Add 1 tsp salt and sunflower oil. Place the container on the stove and turned the soup was capped. Once boiled water is added tomatoes, grated, then stir with a wooden spoon. The soup is ready in 50-60 minutes cooking. Retired aside to cool. After cooling (about 30 minutes) and passaged. Cream soup sprinkled with chopped herbs. The soup is served with bread croutons.
8 users
08 Apr 2009


A quick, tasty, a little soup diet, especially served with brown bread croutons. Put vegetables into boiling water. Brew her very much less than that time. Puree it in a fire.

This week I did it twice. Very fast, easy, delicious and unpretentious. With croutons or crackers is incredible!

You're a *I played* as he prepared having no blender, but definitely worth it! It is great! :-)

I made her about dinner, but also added a little cheese-became great! Thanks for the great recipe!

Very gentle summer supichka! And be prepared so quickly and easily! Thank you!

Last night I cooked it again and I want to share it and added more tomatoes and little peas ... unique taste good!

Beautiful Soup! Very tasty, prepared quickly and easily!

Unexpectedly delicious soup!