Cooking recipes with vegetables

Submitted by enr on 28 Nov 2003
20 g butter
2 onions
125 g carrots
125 g potatoes
400 ml meat broth
1 sprig parsley
125 g minced meat
1 egg
1 / 2 slice dry white bread
The butter is placed in a ceramic form and not capped, held for 1 minute at 600 Deut. To it add 1 head finely chopped onion, capped and stew 1 minute at 600 Deut. Carrots and grate. Add together with finely chopped potatoes and meat stock. Capped and hold 7 minutes at 600 Deut. Strain the vegetables to a blender and put spices. Minced meat is kneaded well with the egg soaked bread and well drained, finely chopped onion and salt. Formed into small balls that are placed between two sheets of parchment paper and kept for 5 minutes at 600 W, and in the middle turn. The soup is split into two bowls, add the balls and sprinkle with chopped parsley. In combination microwave instead of balls to bake with parchment paper can be put on the included grill for 1 minute at 600 Deut.
0 users
28 Nov 2003


In a perverse recipe for meatball soup I had never met. What self-respecting chef will cook two bowls of soup, except it does not respect the microwave.

In this recipe soup is ready in 14 minutes. Can cook soup you take 5 minutes in the normal way, but I prefer it.