500 g ready peel
200 g ground hazelnuts
100 g whole hazelnuts
125 g of margarine or butter
150 ml sunflower oil
# For the syrup:
1.2 kg sugar
1-2 vanilla

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In a saucepan put one liter of water, sugar and vanilla sugar. Mix well and bring to the boil. In a separate bowl melt the margarine, add the oil and container and remove from heat. Brush crust smeared a good fat, one end of the crust rises and prihlupva 10 cm, darkening part is smeared with grease and evenly distribute 2 tbsp of ground hazelnuts. Wound on the roll (firmer) and cut into three equal parts. Each piece is rolled snail and sorted in a greased tray. Similarly was made and the other wafers. Finished baklava is smeared with grease using a brush and bake at 200 C for about 40 minutes. Baked baklava watered with warm syrup. In the middle of each piece is placed in a whole hazelnut. Consumed after the syrup is fully assume.
1 user
Great hazelnut temptation! Thanks for the fantastic recipe!
Very well look baklava. And sure are tasty. My big BRAVO, chunky!
Bravo, bravo. Very nice recipe.
Bravo for the recipe. Goes to favorites.
It was something temptation! Congratulations for the recipe!
This is my next dessert :) Thanks for the great idea
pepi75 very well look these baklava
Incredible dessert! I put a few baklava and Turkish delight, mmm, yummy!
baklava must be hot to you?
natalija, yes. Hot baklava I poured the cooled syrup.
is incredible! Every year I'm doing for Christmas Eve but this year I think I'll end up sooner, is delicious;)