Charlotte with biscotti

Submitted by enr on 21 Nov 2008
800 g fruits
500 ml milk
4 eggs
150 g sugar
200 g biscuits
1 vanilla
Charlotte with biscotti
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Peel and clean fruit is cut into small pieces. In spread with butter form biscuits are arranged on the bottom and around the sides of the mold. The mold is then filled with stacked layers of fruit and biscuits, as the top is put fruits. Arranged cake pour a mixture of beaten eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla. Bake in a water bath
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21 Nov 2008


Many I like bishkotenite cakes because they are delicious and easy.

I suppose will happen with pumpkin.

I have not cooked with pumpkin, so I can not say. But I used cherries, strawberries, peaches, apricots and fruit compote, but well drained juice. And not necessarily the fetus is only one. You can use several fetus becomes more interesting.

It looks delicious, just the cream you put on top?

Yes, watered from above. This is actually a mixture custard.

interesting cake !!! You'll need to prepare! I've done something with croissants, but also liked!

This looks interesting I will try it!

I want to do, but I do not know whether shte can be removed from the form and remain as in the picture. Beni, how you do it and in what form?

shape my Teflon form cake. After baking and cools, the cake turns on a baking pan. I think you should not have a problem with such a form. Detachable forms are not appropriate in this case because the mixture of the cake is rarer than dough cakes.

BENI, thank you. This really helped me. This week it is shte cake. I hope to get.

made her an unpleasant surprise me but when you cut. Inside virtually no one except chopped peaches! Over 2 days, but I never understood what happened. I used whole milk, not skim; I put 6 yaitsa, biscuits just 200 grams. Sugurno biscuits were very, very thirsty! Until recently!