4 eggs
200 ml milk
1 cup sugar
2 cup flour
10 g baking powder
1 vanilla
# For glaze:
1 / H cup sugar
100 ml milk
1 tbsp flour

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Caramel mixture, half the sugar is caramelized until golden. Immediately added to 100 ml milk and stir until dissolution of the hard candy. After cooling to it was added two beaten egg, half of the flour, baking powder half. Mix well with mixer. Vanilla mixture: The other two eggs are broken down with the remaining sugar, 100 ml milk, flour, baking powder and vanilla. Frosting: 1/3 cup sugar is caramelized. Add 100 ml milk, which was dissolved in 1 tbsp flour. Stir until it boils. In cake form is poured first caramel mixture over it vanilla. Cake bake at 170 C at the lower grille. After cooling, pour glaze.
9 users
excellent recipe! I added it into the favorite to make it a try!
sounds very tasty and looks very tempting! Bravo! Above all, make the glaze is new to me and I would try it with Pleasure fused.
Wonderful recipe. Will I try it because it is different from other recipes for cake.
Great cake! Goes to Favorites!
I add to favorites.
goes to favorites very well look
great recipe will soon try.
Great zvu4i. Will try it out. Bravo!
I love this cake. I'll try just no way, because I love caramel and everything connected with it. Me a big BRAVO :)!
Bravo for the cake, just and I did it, we have not tried it but get impressive results. It remains to try it!
after baking, with the help of a pencil to make holes in the cake, starting from above and below-reach them after poiztinal pour glaze ... an idea from me :)
I give this assessment because there is no higher. Cake is amazing! Veins, a great recipe to introduce us. Upload a photo.
wishes for glad that you like cake. I do a lot of cakes but this really is the best!
right now will do that here at home is a tribute caramel cake and also, and the two things together just imagine :)
Okay! While break eggs vanilla mixture, caramel will not fall? Let alone that it is with the baking powder!
will not fall. Vanilla mixture is cooked for five minutes.
cake is incredible, but to me it intersects twice milk when it added to the hot caramel, so I swapped the milk with water. Again receives. Glaze it too prepared with water. Sprinkle cake with coconut, but with caramelized nuts will become super. I had no home.
I am surprised that it has received so. Milk should be boiled.
Seher, what would at home? If it comes to Kroc -It is prepared in the houses of sugar and crushed walnuts. A cake is strohoten, just doizyadohme it.
Desislava76, can you write me exactly how prepared Kroc. Maybe something simple, but I am a beginner in the culinary arts. Thank you in advance.
Seker, for sugar has caramelized nuts and nuts / hazelnuts or walnuts /. For example, 1 hour. Sugar and h 2 h. H nuts. Sugar is caramelized, add chopped nuts and mix everything well. Pour the mixture into pan / lightly oiled /. Once cool is broken / Grind / finely.
I will try. As I read the wonderful comments, I think that will really get a wonderful cake, something new for me
Thank you very much Desislava! Tomorrow will try
I did it but that inflates itself is zbit and cake and not fluffy and light, the taste is very good and very sweet without being overwhelmed with caramel. Go straight into the bucket. It seems that only I could not do it properly. But looking at the pictures is not fluffy cakes and cakes stikleni does not like us. Aliana will wait to do it and to give its opinion. I think you should be honest in his failure.
steffanell not worry, this thing happens and I'm rules :) no sinless people born or learned .. Has already refused to do cakes, as I did last time cake and burn oven .. misfortune, but is not this the reason right, just does not make sense to do a lot more expensive than I get ready to buy a cake for 50 BGN 1. ..: )
PassionFlower, thank you very much, I know that cakes are capricious and believe that someone has done it successfully, congratulations for having their youngest and with many recipes, I admire you! This does not mean that the cake is not good. Rating very good.
Yes, steffanell, cake is wonderful.Bravo for the recipe, really gets something very tasty, especially for admirers of caramel (like me :)) Thank you very much, you think so :)) Just my cooking is very interesting, with pleasure I start to do things.I love to improvise and experiment in the kitchen, and I enjoy most when *experiment* so to call it get successful :) Good day to all: *
recipe sounds very good, but I do not see any fat products (butter, margarine or oil) I have a suggestion, if the cake to add raisins and walnuts will be delicious!
recipe is fat. A desire can add raisins and walnuts will be bad. Try!
obtained excellent. Very easy and enjoyable. Try ....
It looks very appetizing pictures.
looks quite appetizing. Will fail!
cake was very nice - the yellow mixture very much like the taste of NEsiropirano roaring. If I had stayed to try to *freshen up* with syrup, but ... over.
This magic goes directly to Favorites!
Elti, your picture is magic, will dare to do it again, would you tell me how many centimes is the form?
I do not remember already in what form I have just baked. As I look when I have cutting diamonds, most likely in rectangular (it is approximately 25x35). And if it was in the round is probably in this where I had a diameter of 26 cm. I'm sorry I can not give you a precise answer, but I forgot already.
Thank Elti, for fast information!
satisfied with the result today!
Yes, it looks perfect. Bravo!
Maleee, EMI how to not feel like eating a man only what snimkiiiiiii ... Bravo and who uploaded the recipe and ones that have already been tested, I immediately put to Favorites ...
Looks great, will try it out, but at least ask as you dab with fat, so do not stick you with nothing?
yes, dab with margarine and flour
cake was very tasty!
cake looks amazing! Will surely try it, add it to Favorites!
It was super :) Upload and photos goes to Favorites;)
cake is delicious! Today it out.