2 kg pork ribs
1 cabbage (1,5 kg) sauerkraut
1/2 cup (100 g) rice
4 tbsp (80 g) lard

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Finely chopped cabbage boiled with pieces, ribs, and separately in the fat fry until rice turns rosy. In a pan pour the cabbage and the rice and stir. On them are the ribs. Then dish pour 1 cup hot water and bake in a moderate oven.
4 users
Eating is very cool, I just want to add that it goes and bottle of red wine.
If you add salt and bay leaf guess I will not be disappointed. Salt is one of the main flavors for each delicious meal.
Sauerkraut is salty enough to add salt. But a hot pepper will be a good addition.
I did it many times super cool!
Very good spice sauerkraut is garlic and savory. Became great.
exactly what you cook today. But I told him I add red pepper - 2 tsp In no event salt.
Today nagotvih cabbage with ribs but in clay stew recipe is quick and easy delicious and added a photo.
I would add stewed onions, carrots, peppers and fresh chopped / grated celery head. You and dry pepper instead of fresh. Spices pepper, savory, parsley, celery leaves. Paprika necessarily - otherwise stands as not cooked cabbage.
Finally 10-15min before it's ready and some crushed garlic.