1 zucchini
100 g flour
100 ml water - cold from the refrigerator
4 ice cubes
1/2 tsp salt
sunflower oil for frying

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Courgettes are peeled and cut into thin washers with the potato. flour, water and salt are mixed, and finally add the ice cubes. Each plate of zucchini immersed in cold porridge and fry in a highly heated sunflower oil. * Do not put on many items at once (fried very quickly), so there is time to remove without the other burned.
2 users
so fried zucchini, but with tap water / soda or water /. Then sprinkle them with a mixture of crushed garlic, vinegar and dill. Miracles do happen. Nelly, why should the water is cold, but with the addition of ice?
And I put them in the Roll powdery slurries, so I know from my mother, but I have not heard of ice?
I melt them in flour, then in water and pan fried to become crispy!