# For the bases:
1 egg
150 g sugar
50 g butter
2 tbsp honey
2 tsp soda
400 g flour
200 ml milk
# For the cream:
900 ml sour cream
10 tbsp sugar
200 g walnuts

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Beat eggs and sugar, then slowly add milk, honey, baking soda and margarine. The resulting mixture is cooked on a slow fire until a golden color (about 30 minutes). While still hot the mixture was poured flour and kneaded. From the resulting dough can be shaped 7-9 balls, each weighing about '85 Each ball is rolled very thin crust with a diameter of 28-30 cm, 3 mm thick and bake. For a cake using only five of the bases. Cream: hand stir cream and sugar and smeared each crust, then dusted with walnuts. The cake is made with five (5) the base. The prepared cake wrapped in foil and leave at least 5 hours in refrigerator
22 users
Well, is it so important to have exactly five latter must? And why?Otherwise it sounds delicious.
Yala I have this cake in a restaurant ... left my heart there :) But I feel great hamalogiya with so much cake .. but I have not given up completely to make it one day!
I also I have eaten and is great, but the recipe is from the site of the bakery and it says 5 marshes. Does not seem difficult and will soon try and I :)
products are labeled for 5 marshes, and the description says that make 7-9 balls, respectively marshes. Something does not add up!
The others took them in the fridge for next time? Maybe because it puts only one egg in the dough 7-9 is the minimum number of 85 gram cake that you can do. But for home cooking, if you do one cake hate you stay dough ...
I am if I would use all cake (maybe with a little more cream) :) It will not work like a bakery, but it will not be wasted products and surely it will still be delicious.
I am personally not make it yet, but my girlfriend split the dough just 5 balls and it was great, but the recipe is from the website and it says so. But taste is super :)
Auuuu, delicious cake. Required to favorites. These nuts ... m-m-m.
yesterday made it ... all became great ... loved it ... will let the picture and cut ... thanks for the nice recipe! :)
seems much more beautiful and delicious in a photograph that I took from the site. Bravo, Zori :)
How long bake one cake? Today will do.
Thanks, Annie :)! About baking, I Paiute them for 7 minute ... dough it divided into 5 parts ... become very quickly ...
And my friend and also makes it divided into 5 parts and became idealno-'ve written below :) Glad you like it :)
The recipe is very good! I made the cake with something like chocolate cream - to 500ml. milk added 12-13 tablespoons sugar 5 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons cocoa and ostattaka packet of butter (in the dough put 50 grams). I left the cake overnight. The next day had become very delicious!
I am very happy that I liked :)
The cake looks delicious! Will make it at any cost, but I think that should be made with butter, not margarine. In the French kuhnia is mostly used oil.
very good cake, thanks for the recipe. I made her about today birthday of my mother in law and impressed, very light. will do again
cakes are nice, but is super heavy taste .. or at least a taste of my family.
That which cake is not super heavy, very easy going super light replacing the cream with milk cream and becomes super light and super delicious, so do I, this cake is only 1 egg unlike others!
Why not the pictures show the sequence of preparing the cake, and various other fiddlesticks? And ... this cake is made with milk cream eggs!
darling, there are many varieties, but that this cake was made by pastry recipe of cinnamon if you want to send you a personal to see how it's done
voda twice already do with it, and all liked it, with sour cream and nuts, is not at all heavy, did you put liquid cream
Now I see that written sour cream, corrected or is it I'm so SLE read the recipe when I worked on it ..? :) Yes, I used the liquid cream and was very heavy taste, I do not think that all the cakes are heavy, as someone mentioned here .. Will try it again with sour cream, certainly much better will be considered, thanks for the comments.
And if you make with milk cream that will get better?
have prepared the cake for our visit with relatives! I was very worried, because guests do not experiment with new recipes! BUT my concern ended with the cutting of the first piece - Great cakes had received! Recipe add to the list: Favorite cakes! :)
Hello cake has become spolochliva but I think it would be better if made with milk cream. After a while I start to cross your fingers will show you rezoltata ...
Hello Vesi :) This cake is made with sour smetana- is delicious and not at all heavy, but if you want a course that you can try to milk krem- no reason not to become delicious.
I would not replace cream with milk cream. Not that it will not happen, but just did not have the same cake.
Do not substitute sour cream, it just transmits the special flavor of this cake, otherwise it will not be the same. It is very tasty, making it very often and all like it!
Today I will try a second time. The first was great. Only entered well over 400 grams. flour. Cross your fingers ...
I chose to be our New Year's cake would sound immodest, but ... the applause of dwelling within her family! Prepare the cake for the second time, but now quite read on other forums before dealing with the execution of the recipe! The first time I mixed the cream of sour cream with sugar crystals and got very rare cream, but now used one hour. H. Powdered sugar and got wonderful fluffy cream. Allow yourself to attach and all pictures I took of this magnificent cake! :)
Orris, Ch NG! Glad that cake like. I also wanted to write my experience, but a long time had no computer, and then forgot :) The truth is that the cream with powdered sugar is broken down much better. I'm putting the quilt in cream, I also whipped cream with a box of sweetened condensed milk (without add another sugar). Says Neville and I would not replace the cream with milk krem- not it will not be tasty, but it will not be this cake. I think of those cream cake is the most suitable by the cake is relatively mild.
I forgot to ask Orris, what size pan you use and change the quantity of products? When I once had to add a little more flour, but I think it might have been more egg or honey to come in more. Divide dough into 5 parts directly in the pan with a diameter of 28 cm.
followed exactly the recipe, I'm not increase for products only time cooking liquid products my half, i. E. For about 15 minutes. I get caramel color! Crisp my 24 cm. Additives in this case consisted in the fact that I had left a crust of previous preparation of the cake, add in the cream of sweet strawberries (in my opinion very well combined with cream) and additional plastering of use cream cake made from 100 g. liquid pastry cream and half a pot of yogurt. I hope I was helpful! Happy New Year to you from the heart!
Thank you :) Of course, you're useful :) Any comment (especially with the idea) is useful! I've never heard and tried to scramble cream with yogurt. Added sugar you or liquid cream you use sweetened?
Do not put extra sugar, for our taste is sufficient sweetness of liquid cream! Her spoon by spoon add the milk (not to be crossed), until I reached the required density and taste! Resulting cream suit cream, sour cream, I think with milk cream (as suggested in the comments below) will get a cake!
Great cake! I got 2 cakes with this dosage, may have been with a small diameter (about 20-25 cm): 0)
Very tasty cake with fragrant honey cake. Their combination with cream and walnuts is great. My dough is more eggs and no milk. To put cream and a little cream cheese.
It seems very good cakes, but can you tell me about the whole cake only one egg you put?
mevdokimova, the latter must have been very thin, one egg is the dose.
Maybe I first wrote it, but the cake appealed to me at all. The cream is nice, is similar to one another recipe for cheesecake. The latter must, however, are nothing to the contrary. I expected more, reading the comments, but disappointed.
I decided to make this cake, it seems to me quite appetizing. But I want to ask something about the cream - the recipe says that is sour and its kolichestvototo indicated in milliliters. Whether 400g will be enough for the cream, what do you think?
Milencha will not be enough 400g. I I worked on it in a slightly different recipe (described I have in my blog), but I took the whole amount of cream (to me 800g cream 250g cream cheese). Very tasty and very honey is - and I hope you like it. Good luck!
snowy, thank you for the answer! Obviously into 900mL given 900g cream. Only me stay a little longer and will try to do. I will look at your blog and your option.
No endured and today I made it (I had my small assistant). Use this form cake, which is smaller in diameter than that indicated in the recipe and I got six marshes, so my cake is slightly higher than those in the photos. She's in the fridge and wait to try it. Appearance is very good, I believe that taste would be so.
Cake is already halfway through! Really is very tasty, my husband liked it to be able to stop. Personally, I was a little dry, the latter must have taken a lot of cream, but next time will make it more cream and can be sprayed lightly with coffee. For a first attempt I liked.
Today we celebrated 100 years birthday of the grandmother of my husband! I chose this cake because the case deserves special dessert! Us is alive and well rozhdennichkata! :)Good
Thank Reni for sugar numbers!
Eee, a great occasion, perunika! Bravo to you alive and healthy centenarians :) lovely cake you did!
Delicious cake! Interesting and very different from all the cakes I have ever done before. :) The combination of honey, cream and walnuts is great! A number of the latter must become ... :) My 11 (grindstone them with smaller diameter). When I started to arrange them, I just could not help myself ... I used a 9 :) increased and the amount of cream (sour cream 3 cups).