500 g salmon fillet
400 ml coconut milk
1 bunch parsley (about 50 g)
5 basil
5 cloves garlic
1 small chili - pepper
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 lemon, juice and rind
1 piece ginger, about 4 cm, peeled
Glass Noodle

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In a blender put chopped parsley, basil, garlic, chili, ginger, pepper, grated peel lemon and about 150 ml water. Beat until smooth liquid. The amount of water up to 600 ml and put in a saucepan. Salt. Make coconut milk, boil and boil softly for about 10 minutes. Salmon cut into cubes and put into the soup. Soup let stand 5 minutes of low heat without boil over. Salmon cubes must be cooked but still creamy and not dry. Insert the juice of lemon and served, optional with glass noodles.
2 users
It seems incredible! Taste no doubt! Will be put in soon time!
Great became soup, ate it with a big appetite, thanks for the recipe. Instead we put parsley and coriander lovers pungent - 2 chili peppers :) chopper us unable to brave The green paste, so it was not completely smooth, but slightly affected the taste (for which there is no good blender, but there are metal or stone mortar - green paste can be crushed and so). Served with steamed brown rice.
Neville am very glad that you have tried the recipe and you like it! :) I grind with Mr. Magic, with him and concrete could break;) I bought it on the recommendation and although I was skeptical mnoogo, I must admit that it is super. I guess with coriander is better for all who love the flavor suits coconut. Photos do not you?
coriander really suits the soup. My chopper good deal, but it is larger fin and herbs fails to brave paste - grind them finely, but not smooth paste. For photos - I admit we were so hungry that we missed them :)
Rally tonight prepared soup and as all your recipes I've tried it, it was incredibly delicious! I did everything exactly as you described and approved soup and ate with appetite and even my little daughter, who generally avoided spicy dishes. To thin rice soup added Noodle. Thank you for the great recipe!
Dobby, dear! I'm very glad to comment! Glad you satisfied with my recipes :) And if small and is eaten with pleasure, I am even more happy :)
served him very beautiful, thank you for the nice picture!