2 eggs + 1 egg yolk spreads
100 g melted butter + 100 ml sunflower oil
20 g fresh yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 and 1/2 tsp salt
200 ml milk
125 g yogurt
flour as you take
300 g feta cheese for stuffing

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Yeast is activated by being dissolved in 1 cup lukewarm water and stir with flour to yield a thick slurry. Can be used dry yeast - it does not require to be activated. Apart knead dough from milk, eggs, sugar and salt. Add yeast. The dough should be soft and sticky. At the end of agitation was added in small doses 2/3 of the oil. Leave to rise in a warm place. Then the dough is divided into three parts. Each piece is stretched by hand on greased desktop until a crust. Sprinkle with the oil, then with feta cheese and roll up. Formed in the pan like the banitsa. Rises again. Dab with a mixture of egg yolk with 1 tbsp milk. Bake in moderate oven (about 170C without fan). At the end of the baking sprinkles with grated cheese. Readiness establishes a wooden skewer - if the dough does not stick to it with pins, then the tutmanik ready.
11 users
I like. Logged favorites, tomorrow will try.
I saved to favorites, so appetizing pictures ...
Wow, Well, little Mercy began to swallow here, so I feel like eating! Very seductive photos! I'd started immediately. Just do not know if I have enough flour. How roughly goes? 1 kg?
Dry yeast is how many grams 3 4 grams or 7 grams. A baking pan what size is it?
Girls, I'm glad you like it! :) Aliana, flour is in kilograms. One kilogram me remains roughly as 1cup, but it depends on the flour and eggs. Stefanel, was just how dry yeast can not think, but I think the package that is standard weight (put one sachet). The size of the baking pan 34 cm. If you want to be more fuzzy you can put it in a pan with a small diameter.
Thanks Amy!
It was very, very delicious cheese cake. Thank Emmy shared recipe!
Is fresh yeast or dry
writes that can be used fresh and dry yeast. I used fresh.
20 g fresh yeast ie half cube or 7 g dry, this is one packet (20 g dry yeast are about 1, 5-2 kg of flour)
Desi is wonderful! Jump smell the picture! Aliana, only now I saw that I did not specify the type of yeast, but corrected the error. :)
Really *tasty* photos! Bravo! If you use dry yeast must be 2 packets - '14 / least here are more common and its packaging says it is 500 g flour /
my dough rise for now. I put in and savory cheese. Will share results when it becomes ready tutmanik
Ina, why was nice 2 packets of dry (for 7 d)? 2 packets of dry yeast (ie '14) are equivalent to 40 g of fresh yeast, this is a cube. '20 Fresh yeast is one pakchetche dry (7 g). Emmy told below Color that put one packet only. Or I misunderstood something now: §?
Aliana fully their rights. Insert 1 packet of dry yeast. The morning is great! :)
*Aliana, flour is in kilograms. One kilogram me remains roughly as 1cup ... *- I meant what I wrote Emmy. I.e. The benefit is nearly 1 kg of flour. At least those packets of dry yeast I use are from 7 d and explicitly says that 500 g of flour. So you have to use 2 packets = '14 When using *live* yeast ,, usually says *'42 for 2 kg flour.*Obviously everyone has to assess any yeast used / *live* dry /, according to the directions on the package, is 1 kg of flour. That I had in mind.
And fresh and dry yeast are alive - you would not risen, the dough;)
off which means the yeast I use is very dead: DD... I never rises dough (do not say this recipe)
What use yeast?
NAD, buy a live yeast, usually grammage her 42d For this recipe uses half cube, i. E. 20d. Fuzzy in water at 40 C. You add flour and 1h. l. granulated sugar. The quantity of flour is thick porridge - put it on a little, not overdone. Waiting to rise. If the yeast is fresh, there is no way to not happen. Good luck! :)
Well they advised rightly. So be prepared fresh yeast (not saying live and fresh;) one is fresh, the other dried, but in both yeast alive and once placed in the dough begin to feed on sugars and release gas that inflates the dough) dry yeast is even simpler - disarranging yeast with flour and then continue in the recipe. 7 g dry yeast (1 packet) = 1/2 Cubes of fresh yeast and about 500 g of flour. This is indicative. Observe mostly the amount in the recipe. If it reads '20 fresh yeast, it can be replaced with 7 g of dry and vice versa. I've never had a case I do not leavened dough. I wish you success :)
Thanks for the help! :)
I'm trying to do this so tempting cheese cake (dough rises), eagerly wait to see the final result!
If I may ask, after baking, choking him?
I do not, because it predpochitachitame with a crispy crust.
Many successful recipe! Tutmanik become incredible, the next day, it was so delicious and fluffy! Put a picture :)
snowy, delicious cheese cake looks amazing! Congratulations! :)
It was very good. Thanks for the recipe! Here's a photo of my result.
I did this tutmanik 5-6 times and each time show-stealing, even though I am a complete amateur culinary :)A great! Thanks for the recipe!
stela_e, I'm glad you like the recipe! :)petq_vaseva, great pictures and wonderful smelling baked! :)
Thank you for the nice recipe today I did and it was amazing!
I begin to cook - the recipe long ago put it in favorite and it's time to try ... Diminished proportionally all products because they do not wish to receive a large amount of cheese cake. I believe that the above products will receive an amount sufficient to feed a family of six, and we are only three in my :) I'll try to upload photos, but something I can not receive - nor in the forums fail to enter, nor photos if sarva
I was able to upload a photo! Hooray! Tutmanik it's a great and ate the last crumb! Thanks for the great recipe!
Girls, congratulations for the beautiful delicious cuisine! Cheese cake is really very tasty and very successful! :)
cheese cake is delicious, one of the rolls sprinkled with sunflower seeds.
I loved. The dough was really soft-flowed between my fingers. But it was very fluffy and delicious cheese cake. Thank you.
great tutmanik get, but next time it will be prepared in a double dose of something we do not get ... :)