500 g beef
1 egg
1 small onion
1 tsp lemon peel
pepper and salt
# For the sauce:
1 tbsp flour
the juice of 1/2 lemon
1 and 1 / 2 cup yogurt
salt, 2-3 tbsp sunflower oil

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Minced meat is kneaded with egg, grated onion, lemon rind and black pepper and salt. Allow to stand for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator. Shape is a tiny balls that rolled in flour and fry. Stir flour, yogurt and lemon juice in a nice mixture. In appropriate and spilled a pot put the oil for the sauce to warm, pour the mixture and stir until it boils, add salt to taste and add the meatballs. Reduce the heat and dish boil 5-6 moments. The sauce should not be much, just as meatballs be rolled in it. Serve with rice or potato side dish, maybe appropriate for the season vegetables.
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