3 egg whites
200 g caster sugar or icing sugar
1 vanilla
125 g chocolate, cut into pieces
250 g chopped or cut into medium chopped almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews or peanuts

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Whip foam, add sugar and vanilla while beating until sugar is melted. Put chocolate and almonds, stir without fighting. The oven was heated to 150 C (fan 130 C). With two spoons shaped biscuits on baking paper. Bake 20-25 minutes. Removed immediately from the pan and leave to cool completely.
0 users
olee what yummy.
Yes, Tatyanka, I love all macros, ie beaten egg foam about within goodies:-)
awesome! I like eating. Bravo!
Today I made them with 4 protein, 8 tablespoons sugar, almonds 400g and 200g white chocolate. Were very tasty!
aaa superrr! Just wait for the weekend to try them. Bravo. they are great. Just ask photo number 8 see that something as small bakery podlozhchitsi on which cookies or me so I think? I want to make them like those pictured, and below it how to do? Thanks in advance
This bottom is edible paper purchased ready cut into various shapes. I personally do not like, the paper is tasteless and tough. Not lose anything if you make them out of paper.
Yes I remember to this paper. There are probably some edible strips made of such edible paper that have different taste, strawberry, banana, etc. Thanks so much :)