12 eggs
2 tbsp salt
5 tbsp soy sauce, Chinese
2 star anise
4 tsp black tea leaves

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Eggs are washed with a brush, covered in a saucepan with cold water and cook 15 minutes. Ostzvyat to cool the water in which they are cooked. Hitting with a spoon gently crack the shells. Anise is crushed in a mortar along with the tea leaves, soy sauce and salt, pour a little water. Put the eggs, make up water to cover them. Cook on very low heat for about two hours. Evaporating water is periodically revised. eggs left another 12 hours in the water. After peeling eggs seem like they are made of marble. Furthermore, a spicy, very good taste, no need for salt or other spices. For decoration of buffets, for a sandwich to Chinese vegetables - always interesting and eye.
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