50 g butter
500 g semolina
400 ml milk
250 g sugar
10 g baking powder (1 packet)
1 cup grated coconut
# For the syrup:
500 g sugar
the juice of one lemon or orange peel
# For garnish:

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Prepare syrup from sugar and 500 ml water and flavored with lemon juice or orange peel. Combine the dry ingredients (semolina, grated coconut, baking powder, sugar) and liquid ingredients (melted butter and milk). Mix until dough is smooth. In the pan put the dough with a wet knife, cut into squares or diamonds on each put a peeled almond. Bake in hot oven (200 C) for 10 minutes. Bay with the syrup and cool.
1 user
I did it and it was not at all bad. Less mistrusted him watching it - but it was quite tasty
very tasty!
store would coconut, coconut milk but there was so tried and instead put fresh coconut milk, as well as ground nuts and pour it into the mixture. My mother in law has made me do it, I just did it for her de ...
Very interesting and delicious cake
warm syrup you must be or cold?
of this world recipe means warm cake cold syrup. I do it differently, bake it for about 30 minutes. Cool, cut into diamonds and spill cold syrup. Good luck if you try :)