Pudding of croissants with peach rum

Submitted by enr on 26 Dec 2004
2-3 peaches
1 tsp (5 ml) lemon juice
250 g sugar
70 g butter
800 ml to 1 liter of milk
70 ml rum
4 eggs
pinch of salt
5-6 dry croissants
The oven is heated to 190 C. In a bowl mix the peeled and chopped peaches with lemon juice and 2 tbsp sugar and gently mix. Leave until cooked pudding. Grease the tin with butter. In a bowl, pour the milk. If croissants are very dry, use 5 cups, or - 4. Add rum, vanilla, egg, salt and sugar 6 tbsp without the bottom of the tray are placed close cut across the two croissants, if necessary, crushed. Top rank third peaches and pour 1/4 of the milk mixture. Leave for so little to be able to absorb liquid croissants. The layers are repeated ends with croissants. Top sprinkle remaining 6 tbsp sugar and remaining butter in pieces. Bake about 45 minutes until a knife stuck in the middle, not out clean. Serve hot or warm in bowls.
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26 Dec 2004