190 g flour
60 g of powdered sugar
pinch of salt
170 g butter
# For the filling:
120 g whole cream cheese
100 g sugar
2 eggs (large)
160 ml cream
1/2 tsp liquid vanilla
170 g fresh raspberries

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Eggs and cream the feta cheese should be at room temperature. Using a food processor or with a wire whisk nice mix the flour, powdered sugar and salt. Then add the butter, cut into small cubes and stir in food processor or blender until a seedy (crumbs). Pour the mixture in the form tart with length 26-28 cm and pressuring nice fingers on the walls, to take the appropriate form of tart dough and spread evenly, so as to cover the entire form, then smoothing it with a spoon. With a fork make holes over the entire surface of the dough (this will want to rise while baking). Then covered with a clear foil and leave in the freezer for 15 minutes to set. heated the oven to 220S degrees. Outta fthe oil and put form tart over a larger tray and so bake until golden brown for about 15 minutes after it is ready let it cool and in the meantime prepare the filling. Back in food processor or blender mix the cream cheese with the sugar until a smooth mixture. Add the vanilla, eggs and confuse nice. Add cream and again stirring until smooth ingredients. Carefully transfer the filling in the middle of already baked tart top and arrange fresh raspberries. Bake in preheated oven at 180C degrees for about 30-35 minutes or until filling thickens, so as gently shake Tartelettes form not snag. Can be served warm or cold. * The filling density is similar to creme caramel. * If the form your tart is lower, for example 20-23 cm, can reduce the amount of products Tartelettes crust - 130 g of flour, 40 g of powdered sugar and 120 g butter.
1 user
Very tasty and light cake! Much like home :)
I'm glad you liked it! Nice meal! :)