1 kg potatoes
2 chicken legs
handful of mushrooms
40 g butter
1 onion
3-4 cloves garlic
2 tbsp (20 ml) sunflower oil

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Potatoes are cut into thin slices and cover with part of their bottom and sides of pan. Fry in the butter finely chopped onion and garlic, add the boiled and chopped chicken, mushrooms and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Raztila mixture on a lightly salted potatoes, top cover with the remaining potato slices, pour in sunflower oil, sprinkle with parsley and put in preheated oven at 180 C for 45 minutes.
5 users
I do it for the second time, it is very tasty and the garlic is important. Put cheese in Roasting on top.
How can without any liquid. Or potatoes must be pre-treated.
You can pour a little in the baking pan after everything was spread of chicken broth or water, for example.
Very tasty indeed, thank the author for the nice recipe. Became our favorite:-)
It is more convenient when the potatoes are pre-cooked, pour on top with mushroom sauce *Deroni* little broth and dusted with grated cheese.
recipe is great! I put a little more mushrooms and added in the baking pan after I put all of the chicken broth. It was a very tasty dish! Compliments to the author of the recipe :)
Very good meal, I put and zucchini.
Well, the same meal I've done it before I saw this recipe, it is great if you put in a pot and alternate potatoes, mushrooms and top chicken previously soaked overnight in a marinade after constipated put previously melted processed cheese fresh milk and remove the garlic. You can put and 3-4 whole eggs on the hot meal and in the sauce. It incredible taste. :)
Very tasty! This recipe is one of my favorites.
try out instead of potatoes with mashed potatoes - in a greased baking dish spread on top put the finished mixture and top again puree, cheese and bake great.
Tasty seems safe so is taste!
right now will do it, but prior to boil potatoes. Thanks for the nice recipe, I'm sure it will be very tasty!
I added it to favorites and tomorrow I will.
became VERY tasty, although I did not have mushrooms on hand and put a little smetanka ... and finally it became ready grated kashkavalche on fries.