2 trout
2 lemon
100 g processed cheese
50 g walnuts
pepper, salt
50 g butter
50 ml white wine
20 ml olive oil

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Fish cleared of fins and entrails. Her skin is cut in several places to take better spices. Salted, sprinkle with pepper and pour the juice of one lemon. Allow to at least half an hour. Before baking tray under the fish are placed slices of thinly sliced lemon and flakes butter. Processed cheese is mixed with crushed walnuts and this mixture is filled inside the fish. Each fish is placed on two slices of lemon and a few flakes butter. On it also put lemon slices and butter. Pour in white wine, lemon juice and sprinkle with olive oil. Bake are to 200C degrees for approximately 30 minutes until browned crust. * Optional can stir bread crumbs with two cloves of garlic and parsley and with this mixture to sprinkle the fish for a crispy crust.
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idea I took from Ivan Zvezdev
Milenka, yesterday I watched this recipe. With this combination of products in any case is very tasty! :)
I would love to say what you believe if you try it!