500 g unsalted cottage cheese
2 eggs
2 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp vinegar
# For the syrup:
3 cups sugar
2 cup water

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Soda, pour the vinegar and added to other products. Beat with a mixer. In a larger amount heated sunflower oil (the best in the fryer) is-spraying tulumbichki and fry until browned. Cold tulumbichki pour hot syrup.
1 user
options - can not be syrupy and be served with honey, jam or sprinkled with powdered sugar; be cut and filled with cream of pumpkin; diabetics can pour or just immerse briefly in juice diet compote; to bake in the oven, in a slightly greased baking dish; may be added a salt / or use salty curd /; Run pictures of fried and sprinkled with sugar tulumbichki and cool.
is looking for is! then I was right there with tulumbichki curd to Favorites
Oh, Fifth, I am happy;-) But it's an option, but not the basic recipe. These I have not tried, you have to do. Not even know that there is such an option. Bravo!