4 eggs
2 cup sugar
4/5 cup sunflower oil
3 cups flour
1 packet of baking powder
1-2 tbsp cinnamon
6-7 apples

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Eggs are broken with sugar. Add the oil, flour mixed with baking powder, cinnamon and the peeled and grated apples. Bake in greased with sunflower oil and floured cake form. Remove from the form and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Optional dough can be added and 1/2 tea cup chopped walnuts.
7 users
At the moment, bake, I hope I have, *she hit' then I'll write how it happened. I instead put cinnamon cocoa because I do not like cinnamon.
baked perfectly, it was like the picture, good for me, ha ha ha!
2 eggs 1cup sugar, 3 / 4cup oil, 1 1 / 2cup flour, the rest - the same proportions before dapribavya apples iztiskvam them to not dilute the cake. Incl. oven to warm while it wrong, put it to 150C for 30-40min, and then check whether it is ready to stick and if needed cover with foil (not to burn) and dopicham
great cake-do it a second time and household very very like it! Only top covered with melted chocolate and becomes perfect!
Very tasty cake!
recipe is super! Cake became great! Here are some pictures :)
So his try at cooking, but did not get.
recipe is nice, and my cake now bake, but I think that is a little in excess flour. I put 2h. h. and I get well, otherwise with 3h. h. it becomes very thick, almost like kneading and can not be poured in the form :)
I do not know why anyone have a problem with the preparation of the cake? My mother often preparing this cake / recipe I learned from her / and now I might prepare their children just this way. I think the problem is not in the recipe!
cake is very juicy and delicious!
followed the recipe exactly. It was very good. All liked it !!
In the last week I do it twice. The second time I reduced the sugar in a cup and a half instead of cinnamon and grated lemon peel. Delicious cake!
I have a question as apples grated squeeze you?
If the apples are very succulent, not better to squeeze a little.
What does 4 / 5h. including oil.
4/5 (four-fifths) cup oil = almost full cup of oil.