# For the dough:
250 g flour
1 large egg (size L)
30 g of powdered sugar
50 g butter (lard)
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
2 tbsp Marsala wine
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cocoa
1 tsp instant coffee
egg white spreads
sunflower oil for frying oil bath
# For the cream:
750 g ricotta
80 g candied fruits
250 g powdered sugar
# for pastry cream:
300 ml milk
50 g sugar
3 large egg yolks (egg size L)
80 g butter
1 tbsp flour (peak)
1 tbsp starch (with tip)
1 vanilla
# To decorate:
powdered sugar for sprinkling
cocktail cherries

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The ricotta cheese is placed in a strainer to drain and collect it in a refrigerator. All dry ingredients for the dough in a bowl sift. Add to the butter, Mars, vinegar and egg. Knead into a soft dough, which should not stick to hands. Cover with fsunflower for fresh oil storage and leave in refrigerator for 30 minutes to rest. Once the dough has cooled, roll into a thin crust, from which a cup or ring shaped circles. Then turn around metal tubes, the edges are coated with beaten egg-white and stick one on another. Fried in sunflower oil heated in an oil bath at 180C or fryer. In court put 2-3 to not drop the oil temperature. Once you are ready to leave on a towel to cool and drain the fat. Cones are removed carefully. Canon aside and immediately before serving filled with cream. The sugar, egg yolks, flour and starch for cream mix in a bowl. Add milk mixture and put the stove on low heat. Stir until a thick cream. Flavored with vanilla. When slightly cool, it puts diced cold butter. The feta cheese was ground through a strainer. Then it is mixed with powdered sugar and mix with a spatula. Mix with cold cream and chopped into small cubes candied fruit. The cream is transferred to Posh and it filled crispy cannoli. At both ends of the canons on the cream, put the halved cocktail cherries. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
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canon crispy, wafer cups of ice cream. You need to eat immediately, because the cream will soften if left to fill for a long time. I like the recipe, but where will you get those metal tubes. If anyone knows, to share.
in stores selling household metal tubes for cones - they become a target. And you're right canon is filled with the cream immediately before presentation, or weak - thanks for the clarification.
I looked for in the stores these cones to make sweet, but not so I had to do them by caps.So I asked why, because these are tubes, not cones.If necessary *DIY* will shrink a little tin.
akva7, you can try with cannelloni (dry), I have not tried it personally, but I've heard that they are fit for purpose :)
xevi, I have one box with cannelloni and I like plain pasta. Wrote that fill and bake pour bechamel sauce. No mention of frying, so I do not risk, but I know you can once and try and see what happens.
akva7, I mean, that can be used instead of tubes to prop up the dough for canon, not instead of the paste (ie wrap rolled out dough around them). They are dry pasta, should be able to withstand 2-3 moments frying. Otherwise, kanalonite are very tasty and as you are prepared, you can browse recipes - Рецепти for cannelloni
But I thought of something else. Some time ago I bought holder towels - thin metal tube - 50 cm., Sides with plastic holders that stick to the wall by means of vacuum from a shop for Chinese goods. Cloth could this thing to endure, but I adjusted it for their kitchen paper, cut off the pipe in two. With a simple hacksaw and zaoblih cut edges with a file. The rest of the pipe in January cut 3 pieces of what no longer remember and I hope I have not thrown. So my thought is only 2 levcheta, if you find something like that, you can safely do at least 6 tubes of cannelloni. Pipe is metal, not aluminum, but is thin and easy to cut, but inside you can plug a piece of wood in place of cutting, or bends. Where will torment her husband to shrink sheet.