1 chicken leg
2 cup bulgur
2 onions
2 carrots
1 tomato
1 stalk of broccoli
2 sticks celery
200 g sterilized mushrooms
sunflower oil
salt or vegeta, pepper, paprika

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Boil chicken leg in 1 - 1.5 l water. Skin and bones removed from the meat and cut it into small pieces. Chop into cubes and fry in 1/2 cup sunflower oil. Add grated carrots. Then the stem of broccoli and diced celery (without leaves), also of cubes. When pozaparzhat is added and chopped without skin, tomatoes and mushrooms. It is better to fry in less tiganche or skillet. Add the red pepper (about 3 tsp) and spices (to taste). Mix well. The bulgur is washed and also fry briefly with the vegetables, then poured in a tray. Pour broth in which the cooked leg. Broth should flow over the bulgur. Add chopped celery leaves. Mix and arrange the meat pieces on the bulgur. Bake at 170-180C until ready.
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