600-700 g pork (cooking, shoulder, leg)
1 kg potatoes
400 g green beans
2 large carrots
2-3 onions
1 eggplant
200 g tomatoes
sunflower oil
pepper and paprika, salt
bay leaf, savory

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Cut the meat into cubes of any size you want. And dirty them in flour. Put them in the heated sunflower oil and after braised add chopped vegetables (green beans, potatoes, carrots, onions and eggplant). It is best to do it all in a pot large enough. Once the vegetables soften, add tomatoes (it does not matter whether you are cut fresh, canned or mashed. Add them 1 tbsp flour and beat well, then put salt, pepper, paprika, savory, bay leaf. Let stand for another 5-10 minutes on the stove, remove it and pour in a pot (if you do not - in the pan) and add water enough to cover the products. Bake for about two hours at 200C degrees upper and lower wire without blowing. * The quantity of products can be changed at your request. If you like it with more potatoes and less green beans no problem. Personally, my stew is 5 liter.
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