200 g soft butter
200 g of chocolate (100 g milk 100 g natural)
2-3 tbsp caster sugar
5 tbsp chocolate spread Nutella
100 g waffles with hazelnut or chocolate filling

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Melting chocolate in a water bath in a bowl or microwave oven, and in another bowl - mix to the butter with powdered sugar. Begin to gradually add from slightly cooled chocolate (not to melt the butter), spoon by spoon while stirring. Then add the broken wafers. Mix them well with the cream should and Lord of liquid chocolate - Nutella spoon by spoon! Once the cream is ready, move on to assembling the cake in a standard way: base, cream, base, cream.
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Pepi, immediately put it in my favorites! So is chocolate :) A broken wafers remain crunchy you?
Reni until the cream did not stop trying, so I liked it! Tonight we will enjoy the cake and immediately said :)
I put immediately to favorites :)
Pepi, reading products, my first thought was - it would be awesome cream! :) And I like the girls threw it to favorites! Will wait for the second sharing forward. ;)
You know your photo and cut !? :) Chi - chi - chi .. I never impudent and insolent! ;)
And what is the marshes?
Thank you, girls! :) Reni, and in the morning you mentioned, then stay overnight in the refrigerator, the cream was wrapped very well and using a heated knife emerged wonderful pieces. Was partially preserved and crispness of baked pieces when stacking the cake between the latter must put in a little raspberry jam and I think the combination with chocolate is deadly! :)
Bobby, I think many would you like cream, home is now in the top rankings :)
Mims not shared the recipe for the latter must not intentionally. For our taste a little of the type of drier cakes and I was not sure whether they will like it. But if you insist: 5 eggs, with 7. L. Sugar, 2 p. L. 2 with cocoa. L. Flour, 2 pm. L. Baking powder (equal), 200 g ground walnuts (pre-baked dry frying pan). As to me I have to do and a half dose (3 pools), because my form is greater.
As for the cut, if remnant promise tonight to photograph :)
I wait in line for a picture of the cut! :) Your impression is so captivating that maybe this will be cake for the first school day of my nephew. Please, put the recipe for the latter must not separate, I am always looking for new ideas :) Thanks in advance, and next time I will come here with a bib;)
I asked for the latter must, because I have a recipe that I have not tried, but with 200 g hazelnuts, not nuts. And I do not like dry cakes, can not you be a little syrupy latter must?
Eee ... Pepi no mercy to those who are on a diet :) :) :)! Even if I do not try, you will gladden loved ones at home! :) I'm sure they will be satisfied! ;) Put to favorites! :)
Thank you, Nelly! I can offer you, to stop the diet :). For all who wanted a picture of the cake contrary, they are lucky home had left piece, upload a photo promised :)
Pepi, the cake looks fantastic throughout and section sounds very tasty cream and icing what :)
Villas, thank you dear! For glaze prepared Ghana: 200 ml liquid sweet cream and a chocolate Municipality. Warmed cream and melted it in the broken pieces of chocolate, cooled in the refrigerator for an hour and covered cake :)
And me impressed me this cream that Lucy is used to make a cake to celebrate his birthday. Very well be thought to share it, because it is delicious and interesting. What appetizing piece you given it! How you managed to be preserved for a photo ?! :)
Ina, what can I say, men were at home thought of me, so I got home from work piece was waiting for me :) :) :) A tortatata finished a day late (big shame) also on the occasion: birthday day my son to us is alive and well! :) Well, I do not angry about the delay, but I had a commitment with another cake and guests and whatnot ... The good thing is that I could handle anything :)
Wonderful offer for cake! :) Although a crutch - you alive and healthy son is smiling and enjoying the whole family with success! A the pudding immediately flipped him! :) Thanks and greetings! :)
And I in turn thank you flowers! It is important to be healthy children and will wait for the cream reviews :) :) :)
Pepi, you alive and healthy boy and only they happy!
Happy birthday from me, very late :) I made the recipe on the occasion of the first school day of my nephew Yavor. As I was visiting them, we had to improvise as with the latter must, as well as decoration. Cream made in a double dose, waffles left for last. Before you put them separated 1/3 of cream plaster and put in the remaining 2/3 sliced wafers. Cutting the cake one day later, on 09. 09. and was perfect - I was not dry, but we do not like wet cakes. According to our taste very very sweet, next time will not put powdered sugar in the oil and use only dark chocolate, but surely there will be a next time, as we like. We agree that the walnut brother will be almost original station, both the taste and the texture :) Thanks very much for the nice recipe, make festive day perfect! :)
Rally, so very happy to see SNIK you! The cake looks irresistibly delicious! Greetings to my students and wishes for a successful school year! :)
Thank you, dear, for the good wishes! :) Regarding cake - last night ate the last piece and was even more delicious! The more aged, the better :) If it is possible to resist all temptation is amazing!
Rally, would you share the recipe for the latter must not?
I made a dark Vienna base, I do not think I climbed recipe, I'm not sure, but I picked is probably different, because that I worked on it for the first time. 200g sugar
5 pcs. eggs
150 g flour
'50 Natural cocoa
'50 Starch
7-8 years baking powder
1 pc. vanilla
Heat the oven to 160 degrees. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla until it is stable foam. Mix the flour, cocoa, starch and bakpuvera, and sieved. With paddle confuse carefully in egg cream. Pour into pan or shape, covered with baking paper and bake for 30-40 minutes (I Paiute 40). Turns on the grid, the paper is removed and allowed to cool. My form was 28 cm in diameter.
Rally, for the cake of your picture, how marshes done?
The written recipe, cut into 3 marshes.
Pepi, I have no words! :) Cream is superb (great tasting fall)! Did dose and half (with chocolate and sugar free) and ... the entire quantity put between two marshes. So that the latter must be thick so is the cream. Wafers shattered many wholesale (to feel better). I decided not to overact in the decoration on top only cream pastry Dr. Oetker (I have a feeling that this cake should look more casual) :) :) I like Rally made it for the first day of school, but in the eyes of my son understand that hardly wait for it cut the tomorrow :)
Rally, ponds made in your recipe is superb! I could, however, cut it to three, although it became thick enough. The reason is me, this is definitely not my given :(
and I begin the first day of school :) Marshes will be with me and Ralitsa but forgot to buy Nutella and completion will be tomorrow :(
Reni, I'm glad that Marsh is justified expectations :) I cut cake with wire cutting, the most comfortable for me. Maybe you just have to find the right equipment for you. The important thing that you will cake is delicious and beautiful, whether two or three layers does not matter much :) Mim, wait to share-cake and cake. So, please, pictures of marshes, I'll get the recipe these days, and you can add photos. Rennie, you photographed you swamps?
Rally, unfortunately :(
Reni, then I do not;)
Come on, what you do;) I will save the situation with a picture of swamps, although little can not get close to the perfect shape of your cake, Rally! Definitely I will not be able to divide into 3 :( You get the picture to the recipe when you go, Rally.
Girls, good for you! :) I read you as Rally and says I have a bib! ;) Lately I have quite commitments, time is not enough for me to drive and quick snacks. Noble envy you for this delight, but you very happy! I will continue to follow you - nights ... Well, today is a holiday, so just stuck. ;)
Super cake Reni! Will wait for the opinion and taste of the piece. And I like you thought about 15 semptemvri to prepare, but just thought ... Wishes the student home were custard double dose, and we are cream! :)
Here is my cake September 15 :) !! Tomorrow I will upload my picture and cut, just as I finished it and will surely be cut tomorrow / I hope:) / Pepi, the cream is perfect! And I like Reni nachupih wafers of large pieces. It was awesome !! :);)
Girls May we all conspired to make this cake with cream on the first day of school!
Bravo, Nelly! Cake after cake today, tomorrow there will be obviously much gorged with this vkusnoteka :) :) :)
Pepi, is super! :) Gorgeous cream and gorgeous cake ... very tasty cake happened!
Great cream, Pepi! Today celebrated the occasion and work! All were delighted :)!
Reni, Nellie, thank you sweet!
I have to like this one cream cakes. The latter must have been tested and I make them 28 cm. -3 Pieces. So this amount of cream will get you or me to increase 5-2 times 1. products? We like to have plenty of cream cakes :) I will have 10-ish guest, but I guess it will be a very tasty and I want to serve larger pieces, but remains for us then: p I'll wait reply :)
Iliana, I made the cake with a double dose and was perfect, the latter must have been 28 cm. You can see pictures of how thick it was. Except what we tried with fingers and spoons;), the cream was just perfect Qty :)
Iliana Rally you responded very accurately. With a double dose of cream will get very very rich cake. Will wait to share impressions :) :) :) Enjoy your meal!
Great! Thanks for the quick reply :) Rally next week will write carefully! :)
Mmmm very tasty cake out. Cream is great, but tezhak- the entire chocolate and butter ... But the cake is not a lot, though :) My guests loved it. I did a double dose + tested repeatedly by the Devil cake chocolate cake (the best chocolate torta- think). Very rich chocolate cake out. But a council-not cook the cream of the day (like me) - dooosta tightens the next day of oil and had difficulties with the assembly. Overall, great cream and crispy waffles with these ... I put *Mura* leshnik- very very well be combined with Nutella's. Thanks for the recipe :)
Iliana, I thank you for the trust to the recipe! Glad guests were very happy! And the photos are there? :)
I could not shoot :) Quickly, quickly eat.