3 eggplants
500 g fresh tomatoes
1.5 kg tomato sauce
500 g feta cheese Provost or Provolone
200 g feta cheese Parmesan
few basil leaves
1 onion
2 eggs
breadcrumbs for rolling
sunflower oil for frying

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In a saucepan fry the finely chopped onion. Cut the flesh of fresh tomatoes and add to the onion. After about 10 minutes add tomato sauce. Add salt and boil to thicken. Add chopped basil leaves. The eggplants are washed, cleaned and optional peel. Cut lengthwise into slices. Add salt and put in a colander to drain from bitterness. After about 1 hour, rinsed and dried. Is first dipped in beaten egg, then in breadcrumbs. Fry in a large pan with lots of sunflower oil. Arranged on kitchen paper to absorb excess fat. Lightly salting. Oil is rectangular tray. Cover with a thin layer of tomato sauce. Top arrange eggplant slices, slightly overlapping. On them shall be allocated part of the tomato sauce. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan, and on it are arranged slices of Provolone. The arrangement continues in the same sequence. Complete with a generous coating of sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan. Put it in a preheated 200C oven and bake about 40 minutes. After removing from the oven, the dish should stand about 15 minutes before being served. * Instead Provost or Provolone can be used Mozzarella, but then the dish gets watery. Furthermore, Provolone has a rich taste and aroma.
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