250 g dry chickpeas
1 bunch parsley
3 tsp salt
7 tsp seasoning ready for falafel
or a mixture of 1/2 tsp ground cumin, coriander,
cinnamon, black pepper, cloves, nutmeg, red pepper and cayenne pepper
2-3 cloves garlic optional
fat frying

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Chickpeas soaked in 750 ml water. The next day, soaked chickpea was passed through a meat mincer. Somewhere in the middle put the whole bunch of parsley to bold and optional garlic, and after them continues with chickpeas. The resulting dough is passed again through the mill. If using a blender for pureeing, be careful not remain chunks chickpeas on the walls. In the dough put 3 tsp salt and finished 7 tsp of spice or spices described above. Mix everything very well and make up to 100 ml water. Kneads again and form small, slightly flattened balls. In a deep pan pour plenty of sunflower oil, about 1 cm depth. Heat strongly. Once released falafel, reducing the temperature to medium. Falafel fry 4 minutes on each side and leave on kitchen paper to drain the oil. Originally derived from Palestine and Lebanon today falafel are spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia and Eritrea are often dish during Lent.
4 users
Many love them, but I never rules. Buy them ready, but I decided to buy from ready mix, sold her to Arab shops.
Very nice look falafel.
RALLY may want more information about falafel ... mostly chickpeas ... can be made with chickpea flour, variations at all .... everything about Falafel; SPECIES chickpeas
brid, chick I've ever seen in a number of different types - from very pale yellow to brown. What I know is that for falafel or hummus enjoy yellow, because they are soft and cooked and milling give a velvety texture and dark enjoy more at meals, which remain intact, they are pleasantly crunchy . Taste - dark reminiscent of nuts, at least to me so it seems. To prepare falafel with chickpea flour - I have never heard, I'm not rules. Falafel of this is the distinguishing feature - is that tiny pieces that have something to chew:-) If you try to flour - write what happened, but I think then there is falafel and some other dish.
today I made them, were great ... I did Bulgarise with onions, garlic and mild spices and they added a little baking soda-and quickly in a blender
1shepa soaked chickpeas + 2c. l olive oil + 1. l copper +1 yolk everything grind in a blender, the mix is perfect face.
The recipe is very accurate and any change leads to estrangement of real falafel.!
dear ... my first recipe were ... excellent result
are wonderful these falafels. Until now buy them ready. Here they are served with yogurt sauce with some fantastic spices. Will try to prepare, bought from Arab spice shop ...
It says Tammy, to prepare at home are another taste than done, Raleigh again greeting and call forth picture!
Salt is very ... I do not understand how people who have tried them eat! It does not eat salt! Otherwise, the only other recipe and most authentic sounding ... By reducing the salt and homemade spice mix with a teaspoon become perfect! same as eaten in the UAE! :)
Hmm ... 3 hours. L. Salt of the mixture are not that many. Do not fill them with tip? According to our taste the spices are not that many, if not generally like strong flavors, you know it and are reduced accordingly. I'm doing them repeatedly and are very fragrant and delicious.
Let us say that the spices are OK ... because I do a great deal to say not mix half a teaspoon of everything, but the same number of teaspoons of everything and close it in a jar. And because we do at least a month at a time, just open the jar and sipvam 4 teaspoons of spice. And not in a strong sense, 4 and 3, it is better because the links parsley are all different and they somewhat offset ... well with the spices well ... but I definitely salt a bit too much ... even equal are spoons it is a lot. Actually I have not thought but may be of salt. Tonight Ill them involved with sea salt for the first time th ha see what happens ... Otherwise go somewhere around 20-25 Falafel size about ping pong ... with you as you go ?. Tonight will try to do and hummus ... wish me success ... if it becomes immediately play it here :)
Best Regards,
George, hello! If you're much salt - Reduction! According chickpeas can get and so ever to take plenty of water and to increase the total weight, and sometimes soak overnight, but is not so swollen. Surely matters chickpea variety, but here there is unfortunately no indication nor anyone heard of different varieties - Cabuli (I think this is just the most common here), calla chan (most common in India, purchased in India Super) Gulab - Oriental, Desi - again in India ... Come out to me and more units, probably also related to how swells chickpeas. Once I was very close to a Bulgarian woman, married to a Lebanese restaurant had fast food here in Germany. She is the Virgin recipe. Now for hummusa - here on the site there are recipes for hummus. And I climbed one, which I do fairly often - Хумус-пастет - II type Today I added another comment to it :) I wish you success, especially to you is delicious everything and try not to waste of products :)
The addition of salt in each dish should set himself, we restrict salt for health reasons, many times I've made the recipe and a sample is perfect, but the salt is in my taste.
have been looking for this recipe, but I did not know how to say. Thank you!
For the first time I falafels and were very tasty! Changed spices to not only eat them I emphasized the white pepper and turmeric. Many thanks to the successful recipe.
BlueCaramel, it is very nice that you liked the recipe :) Try to make them once with the whole bouquet, I'm sure that will appeal to all of you :) Neizparzhenata mixture may freeze and use later .
girls, do you think that will be obtained from cooked chickpeas? Because you boiled a pot - 0, 5 kg dry, and now, I see that only soak ...
cooked chickpeas is more humid than soaked, not to put a water after spices. But otherwise I think it will be tasty, will meatballs and aroma of falafel. Just will not have that grainy and crispy texture as falafel. If you decide you do not want balls of chickpeas, I can offer you to make Хумус-пастет - II type , to utilize chick :) Anyway - said what you :) Good luck!
Hello, do you think that can and bake in the oven?
I do not think it is a good idea. In the mixture of fat and no fat when frying your penetrates just as enough to develop aroma and taste. If you will bake first, that there are falafel (which now is not important), but the other is that you need fat in the mixture which can affect the texture - this is a guess. If you try, share how they received will certainly benefit those who do not want to frying ...
Wow, it was very tasty indeed this combination of spices is great. Refused to roast them in the oven, I made them in a Teflon pan with a thick bottom and cover with a little olive oil over medium heat. The fact that what happened is not falafel, yet great, my chick also boiled it in advance, because I was not sure whether it will dosgotvi without frying.
I'm glad you liked the result :) falafel have really great flavor and that's why we like them :)