250 g fresh pasta for lasagna-type wafers (24 boxes)
600 g beans - cooked
1 onion
1 carrot
1 stalk celery
2 ripe tomatoes
6 tbsp olive oil
4 cup sunflower oil for frying
1 clove garlic
3 sprigs of sage
4 tbsp grated feta cheese Parmesan
salt, pepper

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Prepare the pasta cooking. In a deep pan of boiling water, drop in a few squares for about 2-3 minutes and remove them in a bowl with cold water, then dry (you can prepare yourself phyllo dough as 200 g of flour and two whole eggs are rolled very thin and cut your squares as 10x10 cm - cooking is the same in two minutes). Meanwhile, heat 4 tbsp olive oil and fry previously cleaned and chopped onion, carrot and celery. Add beans and reduce the power of fire leave it on low heat for 10 minutes. Set aside 1/3 of this mixture and blend the rest, as if the mixture is very thick, add a little hot water or broth to get a nice bean cream. Salt. The remaining 1/3 beans back in the pan and fry for another 3 minutes with pepper and sage chopped. Wash the tomatoes and clean them from the seed portion, by squeezing them slightly. Cut them in small pieces and fry them with a little olive oil, garlic and sage for two minutes. In a deep skillet heat the oil for frying and fry the paste square for a minute on each side. Remove to paper towels to drain. Make 4 groups of 6 squares. In appropriate tray covered with baking paper, which are smeared with sunflower oil put box paste, cover with bean cream, then again paste, cream again and so to the sixth box on the last place of tomato sauce and 1 tbsp Parmesan. Prepare the other in the same way and baked in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 5 minutes. Serve with whole grains and beans, several pieces of sage.
2 users
Magazine subito pronto izd.fevruari2011
Bravo Pepi is very tasty. 4esto January prepare a recipe know her from her father in law.
Thank you, Mary. It was really very tasty yesterday for the first time I tested the recipe. I took a magazine to which I subscribe. I see that you live in my areas (ha ha ha) so probably know (subito pronto). Unfortunately the picture is not personal copied, but only to gain prdstava layout of the dish, which by the way I got the request of milena75, which asked me. Thanks for rating!
It looks very tasty! Originally as a watch is not difficult! Very soon I will try to do it. Thanks for the recipe and the picture!
recipe I saw interesting and I decided to do. I had never tried such a combination, but I liked the result. Maybe she should leave bean puree less, to give a juicy as a whole. Maybe so get ready because we boiled sheet for lasagna (from dry) and not used fresh. But it was dry and crunchy cranny again I liked. Pepeleon, thank you for shared recipe. I will do with it:-)
Thank you girls, really from the heart! Even I never imagined that something so simple can be so much Hare. I am very happy. Elti think any fault because typically made with a slightly crunchy taste, but it's good recipe, but next time try with rare cream might be better. You can experiment by adding in cream and pieces of sausage (after you blend). Good luck to all!
Elti very HUBATA you is polu4ilo, and the pictures are starhotni. Do not confuse this with the sheet can be used both, but once cooked is removed and placed in a bowl of very cold water, dry and then use. Bean cream should not be too thick as your rabrala and alone. Should cover the good sheet to remain soft after pe4enoto. Li4no I always do pove4e puree. Petya, if you wish to write li4ni.
Pepeleon, Guarinociro, thanks for ideas and guidance. Will take:-)