1 kg chicken wings
1 head garlic dry
4-5 tbsp olive oil or sunflower oil
white or black pepper
1/3 cup beer
2-3 tbsp tomato puree or smooth chutney
unisos optional
cayenne pepper optional

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Grind in blender peeled cloves of garlic, parsley, salt, beer, pepper, Unisos, puree and gradually refill the oil. The resulting paste evenly coat the pieces of meat. It is desirable to marinade is thicker to hold onto the meat, not to drain into the tray. If you stay out of it, pour door on the wings. Arrange them straight into the greased pan in which you will bake. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and place them for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Put the dish to bake in a preheated oven at 200C degrees to stand as it is with fthe oil. After about 40 minutes (depending on oven), raised carefully fthe oil (beware of hot steam) and buchnete meat with a fork - if breaks easily, is ready. Remove fthe oil (you can add 1 cup of water, but not directly on the wings to not flush the marinade) and finish cooking until desired tan only upper wire. Serve with a garnish of your choice or salad (in the case of tomato salad, roasted peppers, green onions, parsley, feta cheese - a favorite at home). * I searched the Internet a nice recipe for garlic wings, but not I liked nothing. I found this (see the source) and changed slightly. I decided to add the tomato puree primarily for appetizing color because of parsley wings seemed zelenkavi after baking. It turned out that the taste is better with this supplement.
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Adapted from: % BF% D0
Ilijanco very appetizing look! :)
Thanks, really very tasty. Will be happy to try and share :)