500 g spaghetti
1 onion
2-3 skinless sausages or 200 g of salami
2 peppers from a jar or pickle
300 g sterilized tomatoes
1/2 cup broth or water
1/2 cup sunflower oil
50 g cheese
salt, pepper

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Boil pasta in salted water. Drain and place in a greased pan with sunflower oil. Finely chopped onion, stew in the oil and a little water. Add the diced skinless sausages or salami, chopped peppers and grated tomatoes sterilized. Pour the mixture over the pasta, stir well, add salt to, and sprinkle with pepper. Grate the cheese on top and bake in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.
7 users
interesting recipe, I do something, I put the last couple of quail eggs on top as they did predvartelno place and became quite well
Yes and a tasty, yesterday made it, if it will add photos today
Well, I have no pictures because it quickly eat and no time :) will be happy to see your
photographs have become very good :) and is very appetizing now I wanted again to eat something
I used your recipe received very well and was very tasty, but instead put pepper, pickles. Thank you for the nice recipe.
I am glad that you liked it :)
Can sterilized tomatoes can be replaced by fresh?
Much yummy BRAVO!
Many spolu4liva recipe, I added and cheese (usually) sliced kub4eta, acid krastavi4ka and a little cream!
I do them once a week. At home they adore. Try them they will not regret it.
I do something similar, but instead of frankfurters put 1/2 kg. minced meat, a little ketchup to kill the acid from the tomatoes, a little crumbled cheese, mushrooms, sliced olives, topping 1 yoghurt, 300 ml milk and 2 eggs and a short plate grated cheese. It is very tasty, one of our favorite dishes.
I also do them with minced meat, and add melted cheese or Parmesan.
made them and feedback of my men were ... BRAVO to do it again!
Special register to thank for the recipe. Momcheteta home waiting again soon to prepare this dish. Thanks a lot,samira for this simple but very tasty pasta! Toni
yummy ...