100 ml sunflower oil
3 turkey legs
500 g meat of wild boar (streaky but not clean breast)
500 g veal
1/2 rabbit (maybe wild)
150 g smoked sausage
200 g blood sausage
200 g sausage
sour cabbage 1
2 cup peeled and chopped canned tomatoes
2 heads onion
2 leeks
3-4 cloves garlic
5-6 dried red peppers
80-100 g dried mushrooms (porcini if possible)
300 ml red wine
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp ground cumin
10 Allspice
1 tsp paprika
5-6 bay leaves
100 g flour

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The dish is prepared in large clay casseroles. Part of the oil fry the turkey legs and rabbit meat until golden. When you are ready to put in a pot. At the same sunflower oil fry until almost cut into chunks (the egg) pork, remove and also put in a pot. Veal put raw, cut into pieces the same size as the pork. Leeks are cleared, cut and stew in the same sunflower oil from the flesh. When almost ready add the dried peppers, cut into large pieces and fry for a while. The whole mixture is added to the meat in a pot. Smoked sausage, sausage and the blood sausage is cut and heat for a few minutes in a pan with a little oil - to put scent - like stir and then add in a pot . Chop into crescents and stew in fat from the sausage, add the chopped tomatoes and garlic, coarsely chopped. Boil for 5-6 minutes and pour into the pot. Cabbage is cut, put it in a pot and add the mushrooms, wine and spices. Mix carefully and well. Add 200 ml water and capped with a lid. Blended into a soft dough of flour and 250-300 ml water and it affixes Saba close the lid so that steam does not go from there. Casseroles are put in the oven at a low or medium level of moderate temperature. Bake for about an hour, then the temperature was increased to 250 C for 30-40 minutes and then lowered to 150 C and allowed to stew for about two and a half - three hours. When subtracting the pot from the oven was allowed to stand for half an hour and then opened by means of a knife.
Very difficult
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Bash Bash is a wistful kapama;)