400 g minced meat beef and pork mixture
500 ml tomato sauce (Pass di Pomodoro)
1 onion
1 carrot
2 stalks celery (without leaves)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
ground black Pepper
200 g canned peas
200 g feta cheese Mozzarella optional
200 g grated feta cheese Parmesan
500 ml ready bechamel sauce
ready peel lasagna without boiling

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Stew onion, carrot and celery chopped in a little olive oil. Adding the minced meat with 200 ml water and stirring until a homogeneous mixture. Let simmer over low heat 40 minutes. Add the tomatoes, cinnamon, black pepper, salt and peas and boil the sauce for another half hour (slightly simmer on low heat). Greased baking tray with butter and begin to peel redim lasagna, sauce, béchamel and so until the sauce. We finish always sauce on that chop mozzarella slices then spreads bechamel and sprinkle with Parmesan. Put in cold oven and turn it to 200C. Look from time to time the oven begins to simmer bake 20 minutes. For ease I paint peels directly with bechamel and sandwiching them with buttered part to the sauce.
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