200 g sugar
40 g butter
3 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp grated lemon peel
40 g flour
1/4 tsp salt
240 ml whole milk
1/8 tsp citric acid
80 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice

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From sugar 2 tbsp separate mixing of egg whites. The remaining sugar and the butter is broken down to the fluffy, add three egg yolks one by one, lemon zest, vanilla, flour, salt. Milk and lemon juice are added gradually. Whip foam with 2 tbsp sugar, add citric acid and broken snow. Added to the citric mixture slowly without stirring mixer until homogenized. Pour the mixture into 6 (incomplete) cups or forms custard, which rank in the pan and cover half with boiled water. Cream bake at 180 C 40-45 minutes until golden. Allow to cool with water. Cream may spill out and in one place and be prepared as pudding, cakes in shape.
1 user
was very tasty made his white Ghana and I poured hot mopped and became mmm ... just kind would, but I do not know how to turn and pull out ..? May I have no chance so
I do not think the idea here is to pull it out - just served in bowls.