2 kg fillet herring
200 g salt
2 liters of water
330 ml vinegar
2 full tbsp salt - 30 g
1 full tbsp sugar - 15 g
10- 15 Allspice
10-15 peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

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Prepare a solution of 1 liter of cold water and 200 g of salt. Fillets of herring cut into pieces 5-6 cm in length and placed in a salt solution for 30 minutes. Prepare a marinade of 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp salt 1 tbsp sugar, 330 ml vinegar, allspice, black pepper and bay leaf. First the water is boiled with spices and then add vinegar. When you boil vinegar, removing it from the heat and leave to cool. The pieces of fish are removed from the brine, drain and put the cooled marinade for 3-4 hours. Then removed and placed close in jars, as between layers are placed and part of the spices. Pour with part of the marinade, as the top is covered with 2-3 cm sunflower oil. The jars are capped and stored in a refrigerator. It is necessary to stay 10 days before they are ready for consumption.
1 user
Andrey Ivanov
recipe is amazing. Thank you, Cornelia. And I have completed with appetizer of finely chopped parsley, pressed garlic, vinegar and a pinch of salt. Course and chilled white wine.