1 egg
500 ml milk
20 g fresh yeast (I put 14 g dry)
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tbsp vinegar
about 1 kg of flour
100 g melted butter spreads

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From the above products sifted flour and knead the dough. Do not put all the flour at once, take part of it and add it gradually until a soft dough (1 kg flour hundred g me remain superfluous). Leave the dough to rise for an hour. Divide the risen disc of dough into 4 balls, each ball rolled into rectangular crust. The first sheet is coated with plenty of melted butter, top put the second Roll crust, again smeared with butter and and third and fourth, as on the fourth does not spread butter. Cut the narrow side of the strips 7, each of which is twisted and tied to the nodule. Knots arrange in greased pan with sunflower oil. Arranged pita leave again to rise for 20-30 minutes then brush with egg yolk + 1 tbsp sunflower oil and bake again at 150 degrees for 15 minutes then at 170C degrees for about 30 minutes or until dry stick. Finally sprinkle the pita with water and cover with a cloth to soften. * I advance my warm up the oven 40 g rule it out and then put inside the dough to rise for an hour. * On stacked and already cut peel narasih with parsley and then twisted and I shaped strips of nodules. Top can be dusting and other spices or seeds, and m / t sheet batter. * B * * Source can see photos - step by step how to shape the pita.
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