1 kg of flour
500 ml water
6-8 tbsp olive oil
14 g of dry yeast or relevant Qty fresh
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
# For the filling:
tomato sauce of your choice
grated feta cheese of your choice - emmental, mozzarella cheese
other products of your choice - ham, mushrooms, tuna and so on..
sprinkling of oregano
optional: olive oil with garlic spreads
flour for sprinkling tray and rolling out

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Sift the flour and mixed with yeast. In a bowl, pour water, add salt and sugar, mix well, put it in olive oil and began to pour the flour, stirring / knead until his assumption. If necessary, pipette a little more water. Leave to rise. Heat the oven to the highest possible degrees (each oven pizza is hot between 400 and 500 degrees, so that the highest temperature of the oven is as close as possible to the original). Products stuffing prepare according to their type. Wet products such as canned tuna, corn, pineapple, mushrooms, canned, drained and the maximum is even better absorb their moisture with paper towels. The dough is divided into six parts. Each portion is rolled out thin crust, about 50 cm in diameter, as I Roll filo pastry sheets, peppering with flour and wrap rolling pin. Who speaks another technique to thin crust, you can apply it. The whole crust smeared not very thoroughly with tomato sauce, stuffing is spread over half crust, sprinkle with oregano and cover with the other half. The rim is pinched / pressed with fingers. The pizzas are placed in two sprinkled with a little flour pan and bake for pinking, to me these are 10-12 minutes. After removing is optional smeared with garlic olive oil and served immediately. * This time I divided the dough into 3 parts raztochih large circles, and only then cut into two. For this reason, the pizzas are a bit unusual form :) * The dough or residue thereof can be frozen for three months. * The pizzas are thin and crispy just a few millimeters - not greasy, not fluffy and the goal is not to be.
4 users
It was a delicious pizza! It was necessary less flour, perhaps 700 grams., But is relative. Instead of water used milk by itself Maya is parted in the slightly warmed milk with 4. L. Flour and sugar.
I'm glad you liked the pizzas! I yesterday were done again and 1 kg of flour I took 600 ml of water. I always mix the yeast with flour, so they use the entire amount. This ensures dough thin crispy crust like pizza oven, which is essential to the recipe. More subtle are rolled, the more authentic it :) Thanks for the photos to the recipe :)
And I thank you for the great recipe :)
Rally, I'm extremely pleased with the recipe! My son, who is a die-hard fan of pizzas :) announced that finally I made good calzone (such as *true*) :) How not to please man!
Reni, very glad you liked the recipe, especially your son! The dough is really nice and you obviously he is a connoisseur, and you master and he did it *as real*! :)
Is it necessary to make the dough, can you use what you sell it in stores?
I hope the issue is not taken seriously :) By this logic I ask to every recipe that must be ready and whether it can be bought ready - bread, pies, pizzas, dishes - everything has it that in the store, whether in the restaurant.
dough is nice, but did not do with baking. Tomorrow we will do a second attempt!
Gerganche, dear, what was the problem with baking? Tell to help if we :)
Rally, it was my baking straight comic. I turned on the oven to the highest The temperature (about 290 degrees). As warm, stuck calzone and put a timer for 10 minutes. After a few minutes the smoke detector include noise and lifted to the heavens! No smoke, but it seems it was too warm in the room. I lowered the temperature of the oven, but until you deactivate the detector Calzone burned. I have remained close and put it to bake at a lower temperature - I'm sure that will happen.
Rally, this pizza has long been one of the most favorite home (and most often cooked) :) The dough is great, thanks for the recipe!
Rennie, great photos, as always! Thank you for the nice comment, made me very happy! :)
Very, very tasty pizza! Thanks for the recipe! :) :) :)
And very delicious picture! Until I feel like eating! I am glad that you liked :)
At the request of the men at home, again we are pizza, calzone :)