1 kg of flour
40 g yeast
1 stalk leek
200 g mushrooms
200 g feta cheese
margarine spreads
1/2 tbsp salt
1 tsp paprika
1 egg yolk

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Dissolve yeast in 350-400 ml warm water. Pour flour into a container in which it will involved, do well in the center and add the dissolved yeast and salt. Knead the soft dough, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 50-60 minutes to rise (while increasing size double). Meanwhile, fry the leek (chopped) and mushrooms. When the dough is rising, knead once again and divide into two balls. Take a ball and Roll spread with margarine, sprinkle feta cheese, leeks, mushrooms and roll, which sliced. We do this with the second large ball and repeat the procedure. Arrange the pieces roll, cut side up on a greased and floured pan. Once you have arranged them cover with a towel and leave in a warm place to rise again (about 30 minutes). When ready smeared with yolk and bake about 180-200C degrees if needed reduce the oven. Prazenika when it is ready take out of the oven, spray a little water cover with a towel for 5-10 minutes.
0 users
delicious meals! Only dough of flour, water and yeast you interfere?
Yes interfere only with yeast, water and flour
I suppose the dough of additional water, only 1 h. H. Liquid and 1 kg of flour will not work?
I personally making it always put only 1h. h water, but if you think you will not get ... you can try with more water :)
200 ml of water and 1 kg of flour? Maybe use less flour?
throughout my cake enter exactly 1 kg flour ... (so I showed her grandmother)
This is confusing. To knead the soft dough of flour, water and yeast proportion is roughly 200 ml water 300-400 g of flour, more simply can not happen dough. In this recipe matter how the final amount of dough, as there stuffing and so like the look of this stuffing dough with 1 kg flour sounds correctly. I guess the cup which Mary is standard tea of 200 ml and more, for 1 kg of flour you need a little more than 500 ml of fluid.
Grandmothers one time used buckets or jars of yogurt reckoning, but they are at least 400 ml. Lest it comes to such a measure?
So first I apologize I measured my cup, and she accommodated exactly 350 ml ..So that was my fault ..
sounds so different now :)