1 cabbage (about 1.5 kg)
700 g pork
350 g tomatoes (maybe canned)
1/2 bunch parsley
1/2 bunch of dill
1/2 connection celery
1 beef bouillon cube
1 onion
3-4 carrots
2 cloves garlic
red and black pepper, salt
200 g sour cream
sunflower oil

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Cabbage cut into small pieces, put his little salt and pretriva slightly. Grated carrots and add to cabbage. Tomatoes, if fresh peel and grate, and if they are canned are added directly to the cabbage. Cut ties dill, parsley and celery, put in other products and mix everything well. The meat is cut into pieces for kebabs, fry lightly in the oil, add chopped onion and after he is tender put the entire mixture of cabbage with vegetables. I generally do not put water because the cabbage and tomatoes to put enough but sometimes depending on the variety of cabbage need to add a little. Season with pepper and paprika, broth to be crushed cloves of garlic peeled and also put cabbage. Mix everything well. Allow to stew over low heat with the lid (again depends on the variety of cabbage, but as a whole is ready for an hour or hour and a half). When the cabbage is very tender, the dish is trying, and if necessary add salt (it should be borne in mind that prior cabbage is rub with salt and broth there). Finally, add the cream, stir well, kotlonat off the dish and leave it another five minutes. Optional can be added to a hot pepper. * This dish I have eaten it many years ago for the first time, in the beginning I was very biased, because I do not like particularly fresh cabbage, but it tried was fascinated by the Court of the sharp taste of the cabbage softens and becomes very tasty. Since then only so cook fresh cabbage. Some time ago I met a similar recipe in the magazine. Culinary journal, but there was sour cabbage, for now I have not tried this.
1 user
The dish became great! Interesting recipe - I had not eaten cabbage with sour cream. I put a little more tomatoes and slightly acidulous, but again was delicious.