1 chicken
2 onions
300 g mushrooms
300 g melted or smoked feta cheese
1 pepper
sunflower oil
1 tsp (5 g) salt
1 tsp (5 g) paprika
1 tsp (5 g) pepper
1 cube chicken broth

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Carefully flayed skin of the chicken as it remain wings, washed and left until the chicken is cooked flayed. Until chicken is cooked sauté onions, mushrooms and peppers. Once cooked chicken is boned small pieces, add to it salt, black and red pepper, broth and stewed vegetables. Stir nice. Skinned is filled with the mixture, alternating one line of the mixture and a slice or two of processed cheese or smoked until filled. Then the skin is sutured, smeared with sunflower oil or butter, sprinkle with paprika, place in a greased baking pan and put about 1 cup water (to cover the bottom of the pan). Bake in a moderate oven until the skin is browned on both sides. can be added and finely chopped stalks of parsley to taste.
4 users
In Roasting is preferable to pour the broth remaining after cooking or wine or beer.
This is a amazing yummy. It is difficult only skinning, but worth it.
To those who find it difficult to skin the whole chicken, I suggest the same recipe of chicken legs and skin then form the stuffed vine leaves.
It is very tasty. I added a little chopped ham, cheeses little rice became great. When grease it with butter lightly sprinkle paprika crust becomes stahotna.
After skinning the chicken is filled with a mixture of rice, mushrooms and offal (liver sarma). The meat is cooked and breaded. 1 chicken so you have 2 meals. For skinning knife helps scalpel.
samples. It was a very tasty dish.
It is very tasty when added cheese, rice and red pepper if the aroma and taste are unique. Try it, it is very tasty.
Long ago I liked the recipe, but do not decide to try, because skinning. Still it seems to me that you will not succeed.
skinning is not difficult. Starting from the sternum of the opening through which removed the insides of the chicken. After releasing the skin around the legs. Furthermore, it is simple. Use your fingers often in skinning and not sharp knives. Otherwise it is very tasty.
parsley handles impart great flavor.