500 g potatoes
500 g carrots
500 g mushrooms
300 g red onion
300 g peas
1 apple
100 ml red wine or beer
100 ml sunflower oil
150 ml tomato juice
1/2 head celery
300 g lean pork
300 g veal
300 g chicken
7-8 peppercorns
2 tbsp paprika
chervil leaves

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Vegetables coarsely chopped, mixed with spices, the oil, wine and tomato juice. Arrange in layers in a pressure cooker, alternating meat and vegetables of different kinds. Make up water and stew until ready. Serve hot with chopped chervil leaves.
0 users
This dish, I do it in 9 liter pressure cooker or in a ring casseroles 7 liter.
I think the recipe is super - rich taste of meat and vegetables!
How long is cooked in a pressure cooker is very difficult to determine how much it is willing to
Cooking time in pressure cooker depends on the type of meat (younger or older). For younger (fragile) may be needed about 40 min., And for others. to 1 hour and 30 min. on low heat.
Thanks for the reply will surely try the recipe I liked
Today I made :) I put only 2 types of meat (pork and chicken), whole cloves of garlic, bay leaf, pikantina. Yes, there PUT: kerefiz because I do not like the very spice, apple and celery. In tenzherata in imposing choked first and then added the pork and chicken - an open trap. Dolya water began to boil everything else added. Tenzherata closed and left it on low heat 40-45 minutes. Became deliciously. Bon Appetit. Will upload photos. :)