500 g strawberries
# For the filling:
200 ml cream
200 g fresh feta cheese - Philadelphia cream or similar
1 vanilla
1 package fixative cream
sugar to taste

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Strawberries washed and dried. If needed, cutting a lower portion thereof so that it can be put right. cream mix with sugar, vanilla and lock up tight snow. The feta cheese mix separately cream, add to it the cream spoon by spoon, stirring gently with a shovel. Allow to cool and put in a syringe. Strawberries are cut crosswise and they sprayed the cream. Can be topped with grated chocolate, lemon balm leaves, orange peel or coconut. * Suitable for both private dessert and decoration of fruit salads or cakes.
1 user
Bravo! Very orginal.
Mmm ... I like eating :)
Very well served, just your style. Thank you for yet another subtle suggestion!
Bravo! As always surprise us with something good.
This is classic - strawberries and cream. Anyway podnesesh such *combination*, there will be great. But my point is another: a long time looking for the word that most accurately presents proposals Aliana Here, neli1100 found her - *sophisticated*. Congratulations, Aliana !!! My assessment is 6+. Thanks and neli1100 for *prompt*.
Darlings, thank you for the nice words! If someone made them - put photos:-)
I am your opinion that everything Aliana do is very delicate, also delicious. They need some more strawberries in the garden and will try.
I used the idea and decked cake for today 1 June I filled them with sweetened sour cream. Really spectacular and beautiful. Image uploaded it to Spring cake with strawberries.