2 bunches spring onions
3 tbsp sunflower oil
pinch of salt
# For the bechamel sauce:
2-3 tbsp sunflower oil
1 large tbsp butter (maybe only sunflower oil)
6 full tbsp flour (2 per portion)
600 ml cold water
250 g sour cream or yogurt
lemon juice (optional)
# Optional:
3-6 eggs (1 or 2 per serving)

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Cut not much onion sprinkled with salt and stew in the heated sunflower oil until just slightly tender. Distributed into individual cups or pour into a baking dish. For the sauce - the oil and the butter is heated, add the flour and fry until lightly turn yellow. Remove from heat and after 1-2 minutes in a thin stream, stirring constantly and pour cold water. Once thickened add salt and cream (yogurt). The sauce is returned to the heat and stir constantly until boil. Remove and seasoned with lemon juice. I added yogurt and once tried figured it was not necessary to add the lemon juice. The additive is a matter of taste. The finished sauce is distributed bowls, stir to mix with onions. Each portion is placed in 1 or 2 eggs. If you use pots or other containers, as of Jena glass, which should not be put in a hot oven, placed in cold, includes meal and bake at 180C until eggs are firm (veiled). If you enjoyed baking dish, place in preheated oven. Serve warm with toasted bread. * For 3 servings.
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This is my favorite food since childhood. Now we will do it and my children. Sometimes mother used and cooked chicken and flour advance him basking in a dry pan. Thank you Ina that share this recipe and your photos are as always very tempting.
akva7, I first try such a mess! I liked it, and it's another easy and delicious spring dish:) I always toasted flour and next time will do it. Thank you enrich its proposals recipe :)
Ina sounds delicious - will surely try. THANK YOU :)
Bonnie, something a bit different! :)
Let the onion-a-ah! I was just there in the market. In this connection - today user transmission Barcode recommended leafy vegetables and onions to wash very well and maceration in water for nitrates (although cooking the onions nitrate lost, 60%). I think when I try the recipe - the evening to wash and then soaked onion for 1 night. The next day will dry it well in a towel and then a trail of Tilia! :)Tilia, baby very good impression left me with detailed and intelligible description of the recipe. Hello! :)
CVETETO3101, thank you! I try as much as possible, to be useful :)