4 eggs
42 g yeast (1 cube)
1 tbsp salt
500 ml yellow lemonade
little water to dilute the yeast
300-400 g feta cheese
200 g lard or butter
flour for dough firmly
1 yolk for brushing

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On products interfere slightly stiff dough, leave to rise. Then knead lightly again and divided into 10 equal balls. Warm the lard or the butter and flush the tray in which you will bake the pita with fat. Take one ball immersed in the fat and disarrange hand to make crust as tray, leave a country and disarrange another ball. Two sheets put one over the other, sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese, rolls up into a roll and twist. Arranged in a circle in the tray until it is full. Dab with yolk dissolved in a little milk. Sprinkle with granulated sugar or sesame seeds and allow to rise. Bake at 180 C in the oven. Subtracting sprayed with water and cover with a towel.
10 users
very interesting :)
Congratulations, great is, until now I had heard only one loaf, but looks fantastic, and the color is yellowish, bravo Merry!
Very good recipe looks great :) this loaf and soon will try to make it :)
Bravo cheerful. No words :)
cake is great. Bravo! I've never had cake with lemonade. But there is always a first time.
It is very good cake, but why inexperienced with soda :)
lemonade inside turns yellow! Very nice color, and limondata is sweet and carbonated water is not!
awesome Bravo!
cake was so huge, the photographs and did not have time to wait to rise. Eggs you of lemonade you do not know, but what would happen if you wait to rise? Vesi, all at home impressed. Thank you!
bread became great. vesi_rn, its super
cheerful, congratulations!
Those look very tasty!
sweetie - soft foam. And very tasty. Straight no words ...
automatically goes to favorites by watching the pictures and ...
M-M-M, wonderful!
can you sharpen.
neli1100, air is just like cake. A taste of the cheese is great. Ekscentrika, I think it is a problem and are rolled sheet, but they dipped in fat they stretch themselves in the hands (think disheveled is easier in this case).
long I want to try to make a cake, but I lack the courage! This looks amazing, even the recipe sounds not so complicated, I will try!
Incredible aroma wafts through the kitchen, and to know how tasty ...
Looks great photos like Chech comments should be surely put
Today I did it again, but I had lemonade and used *Mirinda* (orange), diluted with water. Again became fuzzy, mekichka and aromatic. Wonderful recipe!
Great recipe. It was just like a cake-just try it! Thank you!
cake is wonderful, mekichka, fluffy and fragrant! Next time, however, will decreased proportions because it became huge.
Great is like a cheese cake
Thanks so much for the wonderful recipe, I made it with halved proportions that it gets huge! I applied and pictures! :) I recommend it to everyone!
Thank you for the great recipe! Now pulled it. I also used the half dose. The aroma is amazing and was very fluffy :)
This time something sgafih and I felt so good, and I took it, and that prepekoh.
Great picture desislava_pm!
I think today to do, but I want to ask if there is someone to tell me maznitata (200 g.) In the dough you put or used for soap baking pan and disheveled crown?
I used shortening disheveled Corey (I have not put in the paste during kneading).
I'm not put butter in the dough and stretch the sheet
Several times now I'm doing it yesterday again applauded, father in law thought that was bought. Excellent recipe, which he has not done to the nerve, easy to implement and excellent result.
is unique! I did not believe that I can do such magic in the kitchen!