Marinated chicken fillets in potato flakes

Submitted by enr on 02 Jun 2010
400 g chicken fillet
# For the marinade:
1/2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp yogurt
1 tsp sumac or lemon juice
1 tsp flour or Maggi Little Secrets - Fix juicy chicken with garlic
1 tsp salt 2-3 pinches of pepper
# breading:
1 egg
1 tbsp semolina or starch
3-4 potatoes
sunflower oil for frying
Marinated chicken fillets in potato flakes
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Chicken fillets are cut into chunks or strips and allowed at least 1 hour in a marinade. The potatoes are cut into very thin circles as chips, then the strips, to produce smaller flakes. I use a potato peeler to slice potatoes slides. Fillets are dipped in beaten egg, which adds starch or meal. Then pressed into a potato flakes and fry of the average temperature on both sides.
0 users
02 Jun 2010


is an Arabic spice sumac. It is used for flavoring meat and the like., For example gyros. In the Arab world is widely used. There is a specific flavor, mainly of lemon. Here you can read more: http: // recepti. plamcom. com / page. php? pid = 130

interesting recipe. Will try. Put in favorites.

A sumac can you replace with a similar spice, which is more familiar to us?

XEVI, I can not recommend mate as spice aroma of ours, but I think any spices added to your taste, you'll get a tasty chicken :) still not very pretentious meat just to me, this fragrance I like, but it's difficult to access and unfamiliar, particularly outside Sofia and the big cities.

Nevi, sumac is replaced with lemon juice or puree sour tamarind (Asem). I personally had never heard to cook with sumac, sprinkle it with only salads or ready-made dishes. Here is sold and tincture of sumac, she was already cooking used sparingly.

Thanks, Rally, it is good that can be replaced with something as available - note it in the recipe itself.

I do like but with very finely crushed chips. We will now try and fresh potato