180 g butter
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
5 g baking powder (1/2 bag)
1 vanilla
flour as necessary
powdered sugar for sprinkling
400 g jam prunes

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The butter mix with the sugar and add eggs. Then add the flour with baking powder and vanilla. Involved almost crumbly dough. 2/3 of it is spread in a buttered baking dish, cover with sweet plum. Doomesva remaining dough with more flour until it becomes hard and can scrape a grater. Grate on marmalade. Cake bake in a preheated 200 ° C oven for 30-40 minutes. While still hot, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
4 users
magazine.Dishes in bowls
instead try jam with grated apples - about 3 medium mixed with half a cup of chopped nuts
Maggie, I do like cake, I know from my mother and tell him Fifi. It is very tasty, but put on the sweet nuts. Becomes divine. Melts in your mouth ...
delicious cake! Bravo! And I did, and it will eat with appetite for dessert.
Rally, super photos! Thank you all, you are very dear! :)
instead of butter, I have fat in this recipe. Become great again.
Obozhavam this cake! Thanks for the recipe magi71!
Many successful recipe.
Wonderful cake. Rules samgo options with grated apples, walnuts and cinnamon. I will try with jam. thank you!
One of the favorite family cakes. Little as was dooosta less it was called sweet pizza. Really wonderful cake.
cake became great! I did it with fresh fruit plums and get a lot better, you can try. Flour I go about 3-3i1 / 2h. h. Thanks for the recipe! :)
Very, very tasty. :)