4 eggs
1 cup flour
10 g baking powder
1 cup sugar
2-3 apples
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp cocoa
1 cup sugar
125 g butter
1/2 cup honey
2 eggs
1 cup sliced or chopped walnuts

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Beat eggs with sugar until white. Sift flour with baking powder and add while stirring to egg mixture. Optional you can add drops vanilla. Pour the mixture into a buttered and floured pan (to me 28 cm). Top arrange apples, cleaned, peeled and diced 1 cm and rolled in cinnamon and cocoa. Put the cake to bake a nice tan (about 30 minutes) in preheated moderate oven - 180C. Put a second cup of sugar to be caramelized in a pan on the stove, remove from heat and to be the recipient of caramel, add the butter (at room temperature), honey, beat-2 eggs, chopped walnuts. Returns to the stove and stir well for a few minutes. Pour the hot mixture cake. Leave on for about an hour to harden and serve.
14 users
The picture is quite seductive, this sauce ... :) I will certainly try the recipe! :)
I will wait for feedback;)
I'm sure the topping is nice, but can you change the title to something more precise? Subjective terms such as *tasty*, *easy*, *awesome* are not allowed in the title - after all everyone likes recipes that add :)
I changed it. I agree for the title, but still the site has such recipes as *Wonderful* cakes Petya, *Tasty* pudding with cream Spaghetti *delicatessen*, *delicious* with meatballs cooked meal, *Easy* cake and so on.. I do not want to sound malicious, but the rules are all about, right? :)
These are recipes that are popular with those names and recipes added before the introduction of the rule in the site, plus a few *easy* and *fast* objectively really easier versions of the thing described.
Incredibly delicious and flavorful cake! A topping is truly *divine*! :)
How big is 1 k. h.
Melita recipe sounds delicious :) And the pictures are great (and yours, and Nelly). I just want to ask you, after flood cake, as you roar becomes moist (hopefully not so) :) or just more juicy?
Nevi, my coffee-cup is slightly greater than 100 g., But do not think it is very important to +/- 1 h. L. Honey :) Nelly, I am very glad that you made the cake and share my opinion :) Reni, no, it is not like the roaring. TOPPING is heavy and you're standing on marshes, and does not absorb. I hope to do it and share impressions :)
Thanks to the rapid response Iliana :) In this case I will surely do it :)
Melita, the cake is great! This is one of the best pastry with apples, we ate! Became aromatic, juicy but not too (just in our taste) :) I made small changes, slowed cinnamon, expense instead of cocoa and one cup sugar, caramelized half. Thank you for shared recipe! :)
I am glad that I liked. Is different from the standard, so I like it. Great photos as always :)
recipe itself has a name and I think this is not right that a foreign idea to change the recipe name and, although I think the current name is more appropriate.
Yes, it is, but the original title *Cuban honey cake* is incomplete, according to mint more importantly, there are apples. And if I had remained so, would still have comments why Cuban and so on.. I do not claim to my recipe by watching the trend in the site is to copy foreign. Referred to the source. I thought that will save unnecessary explanation, but alas ...
Do not read the comments of renito to judge correctly of blat 1 h. H. Total flour and 2 pm. H. Sugar +1 k. h. honey no way was not very sweet, although I eat very sweet, a piece I could not eat. Next time I fell and sugar without put honey. Overall this cake I liked a lot and will go to repair but decreased sugar.
I want to ask those two eggs TOPPING so raw you stay or I have not understood exactly the recipe itself? And if, can you miss?
Well, I once burned sugar, waved from the heat, put the butter and honey and eggs added. I went back again on the stove (low) and boil a few minutes. I think so eggs can not remain raw :)
I next time the eggs will replace them with fresh milk, the site had a similar sauce and was milk.
Thanks for the reply :) Reni recipe I liked is attractive and positive comments, but I avoid recipes with raw eggs. Soon you will try your way and I'll write about the result;)
Definitely not the eggs remain raw after heat treatment. I was skeptical about this part, but I tried and I saw that *cook* the eggs :) steffanell, for me it is not sweet, but if you think so you will tastier make changes but still put little honey topping. On the other sauce with fresh milk, I think you mean something like homemade dulce de leche, but I do it with caramel, butter and cooking cream instead of BC. Milk-based and it is great. Who whatever you decide to do will expect comments and suggestions;)
instead of 2 eggs will replace milk put in caramel, still damp from them because of cholesterol and today my neighbors were so happy with the cake that you'd like to do to them :)
Thank you girls for answers, just that part with me topping was unclear, but already knew how to cook. When I decide to do it will decide whether to impulsively with eggs or recommendation steffanell be milk, but I will write about the outcome.
Marshes supposed to be cold before flood or does not matter?
No matter marshes. But topping pour hot and must be cooled down before serving because it is liquid.
Men I liked the cake, but next time I'll skip the cinnamon-something me come in more flavors, and, although many like her. Thanks for the recipe!
I'm glad you liked the recipe. Customize your bible taste to enjoy it the most. :)
And I can safely confirm that the recipe is very easy and successful! His whole family ate and were satisfied with
Thank you, bgccff. Enjoy your meal :)
For the second time I do it and the second time I encounter the same problem with me :( caramel ball after adding the butter and honey. What is wrong? Help!
For me there was no problem. Wait for you to melt the butter before adding the honey? Are you pulling from the heat and drive to clamp? Write details, so we can help.
I did it and was very tasty. Of household also their liking. My eggs were very wonderful topping in, but get incredible cake.
I am very happy as I read good reviews. Thanks to the trust :)
Even when putting oil tightens :( May because they draw from the refrigerator directly into the caramel. Next time I'll leave it to relax.
Well, it makes sense to you kazha- cold oil causes the temperature of the hot caramel fall sharply and it is set. The original recipe says butter is melted, but to me both times I put it on the fridge and had no problem, so and so wrote it. But if you want really the other way leave it at room temperature- I think it would be better. Good luck :)
great cake! Changed little topping, made her on a liquid with a little rum and without eggs. And on top melted white chocolate, the family was very pleased. Easy and juicy -vkusotiyka!
It is wonderful that you have changed the recipe to suit your taste. Sound very appetizing. Thanks to the trust :)
Today dessert prepared sample without the 2 egg topping. Became again so tasty, but the caramel was wrapped multi scary as chewy candy. Apparently eggs make topping more elastic and allow the caramel to harden.
Tasty happened. But something messed May floods - eggs immediately crossed (not the caramel is very hot. Is not supposed to be only yolks?
For me it has not happened. Pull you from the heat before you put your eggs? If anyone has an idea why this happened, please join.
I prepared the cake, but I assumed that when tipped the egg in the first topping, butter and honey should be mixed well with the caramel second egg (lightly beaten) to be discharged to a stream, stirring permanent and third, before returning to the stove, the mixture should be well mixed. Thus it should be possible to cross the eggs.
Pull from the heat before and put butter and eggs. It was the first big elbow grease until caramel absorb oil, even returning the stove briefly to allocate more caramel, but at least it happened as it should. Pulled, Berkeley, put honey. Pour a trickle eggs, but not stirring vigorously, obviously. The mixture was still very hot, and I guess eggs pooparzhiha. Wrinkles may not have large plots and continued. However, as I added walnuts, appearance no comments. And, as it tried, I fell in ecstasy. Divine taste has this topping. Vintage cake 3:00 to absorb topping and tighten and then was duly Ometto. Awesome!
For the second time I do it, top and sprinkled with almond color, the pan is 25 cm and it was very accurate, I had no problem with topping.
Mmm, looks very tasty, steffanell! Bravo! :)
flowers, great picture! Looks very appetizing! :) You'll have to catch men to fuck me nuts. As sit down are princes and hear for walnuts flee to the touchline ...;)
Lirinka and me is, all running on the sidelines :)
scrumptious cake get thanks for the recipe! :)
And to me is one of lyubimite- with this amazing caramel topping ... :)
Very, very tasty cake :)
Really, I'm glad you share my opinion :)
Incredible cake!