250 g lentils
1 onion
1 carrot
4-5 cloves garlic
savory, salt
3 tbsp sunflower oil
red priper fuzzy or tomato paste with a little water

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Luke slice in large pieces, in small pieces carrot. Wash the lentils that has the flakes therein. Put the onions and carrots in a pot, add lentils, pour water enough to cover everything and put in the oven to bake for 5-10 minutes at 180 C, then remove it and put fuzzy home. paste or red pepper, garlic in large pieces, the oil, savory and mix well. If necessary, make up more water, salted and re-placed in the oven to bake under the hood for 15-20 minutes at 100C, and if you can and at 50C. The slower bake, so better it.
1 user
This is great. Still do with it. And when you find in stores canned lentils, it is already cooked. Just empty the can, add onion, oil, paprika and 1. L. Flour (my son loves thicker lentils) in a pot and bake.
ha I have not located the canned lentils, then even eating quickly becomes
yadko find canned lentils. But with it for 5 minutes. I put everything in a pot. Becomes much faster. Last night I made it and I added a little curry get very interesting taste. even in January Peko 200 degrees and rose. I had no more time to wait get home vakshti around 18. 30 pm. And watch something quickly.
I mean that you rarely find that I ate one point.
ooo fully understand me and so everything is quickly speed