500 g minced meat
1 egg
1 small onion (optional)
2 slices of bread (middle)
salt and spices to flavor meatballs
2 boiled eggs

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In a bowl put minced meat, egg, grated onion and crushed between the palms of bread crumbs, salt and spices and knead good meatballs minced meat. Leave for 20 minutes in a refrigerator. Then divide the mince into 4 balls. Boiled eggs peel and cut transversely into two halves. Wet your hands with water and on the palm of one hand flatten the ball of the big meatball mince, add half of the egg with cut down and form a ball so that the edges and do not join completely over the egg to remain a small hole. Arrange nests in a lightly oiled baking dish that puts the lower BBQ and activate the oven for 15 minutes at 230C. Then turn the nests down to their bottoms and roast for 10 minutes at the same temperature. Take them out and finish cooking for another 5 minutes on 240C.
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