450 g biscuits Breakfast
1 liter milk
14 tbsp sugar
2 yolks
8 tbsp flour
2 vanilla
1 cup chopped walnuts
50 g butter or margarine

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Milk and sugar are put on the stove and stir until melted sugar - the court must be suitable for mixing with a mixer. Yolks are broken with the flour with a little water. Once boiled milk was gradually added to the beaten egg yolks and flour, stirring with a mixer. Once the cream is well broken, boil 3-4 minutes and add the vanilla and the butter. Stir until the cream absorb the butter. In a suitable pan (27x27) is arranging a line biscuits and pour the hot cream, sprinkle with walnuts and do so until the biscuits. On top sprinkle with walnuts. Leave for 5-6 hours in the refrigerator.
6 users
I only add chocolate. The cake is light and delicious. Put and photos.
This time I made a gingerbread straight and melts in your mouth.
cake became delicious, but I added a little flour to thicken the cream.
I put 4 egg yolks and 2. L. Natural starch. The biscuits are my cocoa *Breakfast*. We quite like the taste.
For the cream using natural starch and 1 dark chocolate and get delicious homemade chocolate cakes. :)
Annie, great photos upload 2 in 1! :)
lovely cake! I put 4yaytsa / objectives / and 5 spoonfuls of flour. To one third of the cream and cocoa add alternate creams. The secret of fluffy and smooth cream is continuous stirring with wire. Very light and delicious cake!
As effort to invest in fancy desserts, this is a favorite of men at home: *Simple biscuit cake* (as they say) :) :) :) To use left in the refrigerator cream, prepared Ghana and I poured chocolate cake - a great combination occur, I saved two pieces of photo :) :) :)
Home favorite! :)