4 chicken legs (upper and lower part)
2 heads of garlic
100 ml olive oil
juice and rind of 1 lemon
pepper, rosemary, thyme, salt

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Legs are washed and dried. Peel the garlic and passes through squeeze or beat mechanically with salt. Separated about 1 tbsp garlic and mixed with lemon juice, grated lemon peel and a few drops of olive oil. Other garlic is mixed with the remaining olive oil. Legs are rubbed well with spices, then rolled in zehtinovo-garlic mixture and pour it. It is best to give them time to marinated, maybe 24 hours. In the absence of time, however, can also be prepared immediately. Legs with whole garlic Marinade bake for about an hour at 200 degrees, with a lid. After removal is dripped with lemon mixture. Serve with fresh salad and crusty bread. * I personally roast legs skinned and so spices have direct contact with the meat. If you like the skin, then rub of spices and garlic and below. * If you want, then baking time remove the lid and let the legs become red well. * Depending on the size of the legs can bake a little longer. * An interesting and exotic flavor is obtained if lemon replaced with orange. * I use only raw fruit with chemicals (bio).
3 users
rally may be simple recipe, but I already swallow! If I had not soak the beans to cook, I would make her immediately. Surely cook this yummy. And I do not know why, is seeking to less complicated recipes, and this is just my measure;)
Oh really expectations :) And you can put your photos if you make it!
Rally, thanks for the delicious food - we like :)
Bonnie, I'm glad! The picture is gorgeous, sweet, very appetizing look so red and spices ...
I used fresh garlic - became very fragrant: bliz:
Again so seductive, nice picture! Thank you, Bonnie!
Ovkusih whole chicken and baked in an envelope. Mnoogo delicious! Aliana, congratulationsa delicious and easy recipe!
Milka, very glad that you liked the recipe :) How long did the roasting of whole chicken in the bag? Again about an hour you?
Here are my chicken legs were very very delicious! :)
snowy, bravo, I'm glad you look great! :)
Tonight them prepared. Peko them in beer. Were very tasty! Raleigh, thank you for easy and delicious recipe!
Milenka to your meal! Thanks for the photo! :)