3 small finished rolls - 150 g each
2 packages cream powder (each package suitable for 200 ml milk)
50 ml liqueur (maybe more - optional)
400 ml freshly milk

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In a deep dish - bowl (about 3 liters capacity) to the household transparent foil to cover the entire bowl well. Cut into slices about 1 cm thick 3-rolls and they line up next to each other to cover the walls of the deep vessel. Taking liquor and smear the inside of the pieces then poured prior thoroughly mixed ice cream powder (best to use ice cream, which one package stir in 200 ml milk). If ice cream is not equal, shut to the walls pieces rolls - just turn on the last row already izlyatiya ice cream to obtain as base. Put the cake overnight in the freezer to freeze well and the next day the dessert is ready for serving.
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Can you give approximate quantities of rolls (in grams) and the volume of the bowl (you can measure with a glass of water and how many cups collected), so will everyone to prepare successfully. And with 300 ml of liquor may want to put a warning not to drive after meal :)
I guess it was a mistake the amount of liquor, or should become *Drunk ice cream cake!* :) This is a joke, otherwise the cake is easy to prepare and impressive, especially if well combine the colors of the rolls and ice cream.
Cup that I used has a capacity of 3 liters of water rolls are about 150 grams. I specifically used about 250 ml of liquor actually quite beats of alcohol but it is nice. Of course it can be used very minor amounts of each as he likes;-) razira for children with this kolipestvo is not;-)